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  • NorCal Dave
    NorCal Dave reacted to JMartJr's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Report on research inside a box of Cheez-its: So as mentioned previously, I acquired a box of Cheez-its(1) snack crackers for the purposes of searching the contents for possible crackers resembling the UFO/UAP/Diamond-shaped-airplane hoax in...
  • D
    Of course there's always the chance the images were cut out from the packet which would explain the sharp edges.I commend you on your research though!
  • JMartJr
    JMartJr replied to the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin.
    Sadly my local grocer does not carry them. If I come across a package at another store I'll give them a try. I'll note that, judging by online product pictures, they do not have the scalloped edges of the classic cracker, they DO have the...
    • snapd.jpg
  • D
    Don Kielty reacted to JMartJr's post in the thread Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident with
    As we don't have a Rendlesham Forest Case thread, and as we seem to be having one here now, I'd suggest we've reached the point where breaking these posts out into their own thread (perhaps with a summary opening post?) @Mick West
  • Duke
    Duke reacted to JMartJr's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Report on research inside a box of Cheez-its: So as mentioned previously, I acquired a box of Cheez-its(1) snack crackers for the purposes of searching the contents for possible crackers resembling the UFO/UAP/Diamond-shaped-airplane hoax in...
  • Duke
    Duke reacted to JMartJr's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    I'm going to Science this thing. Bought a box of Cheez-its at the grocery store today. I will this evening dump them all out and do a visual inspection to determine if enough irregular mis-shaped crackers are in the box that there would be a...
  • John J.
    John J. reacted to Scaramanga's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Had to translate this to English....though the gist seems to be that this plane never existed, it certainly fits the shape...
  • S
    Slow Joe reacted to derwoodii's post in the thread Debunking Humor... with
  • D
    Don Kielty reacted to John J.'s post in the thread Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident with
    Oh, you might very well be right- he might have misidentified 'normal' lights in the sky. But some of the airmen have consistently stated that they misidentified the lighthouse. I think it's very, very unlikely that Halt would take a Geiger...
  • John J.
    John J. reacted to Don Kielty's post in the thread Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident with
    Sorry It's just that as far as I can recall he has subsequently claimed that he believes it was an extraterrestrial event, which makes me think that he was predisposed to the idea. My main point really though is that 'traces of radiation' is a...
  • H
    Haliate2854 reacted to JMartJr's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Report on research inside a box of Cheez-its: So as mentioned previously, I acquired a box of Cheez-its(1) snack crackers for the purposes of searching the contents for possible crackers resembling the UFO/UAP/Diamond-shaped-airplane hoax in...
  • H
    Haliate2854 reacted to John J.'s post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Agreed. This might be a rabbit hole we don't want to go down. No pun intended.
  • H
    Haliate2854 reacted to deirdre's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    how do you know AquaV isnt Anthro? you know these kids have a ton of sockpuppet accounts. Anthro is not really a girl..its a Furry account ie cos play. but still super creepy [add:to stalk people], so yea i'd avoid this group altogether.
  • H
    Haliate2854 reacted to John J.'s post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Never heard of Cheez-Its. To my surprise, my spell-checker has, so I guess they're well-known. Each "cracker" is approx. 24 x 26 mm (just under 1'' by just over 1''). Hard to see how one Cheez-It by...
  • D
    Don Kielty reacted to john.phil's post in the thread Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin with
    Then it worked on @JMartJr. Test the Snap'd box from Post #30 if you have a chance.