
  1. Tapir-mâché

    Curious-- how low can persistent contrails form?

    Please forgive me if I've overlooked the answer to this, but I've been lurking for a bit and something piqued my curiosity. (Also, this might belong in rambles, but I'm not able to post there yet.) So, while I don't believe in chemtrails myself, I know one of the arguments used by believers is...
  2. mrfintoil

    Greenwood Crown Flash

    This thread might not be so much about debunking the video, as internet already seems to have pinpointed the phenomenon as a rare weather phenomenon called crown flash. The effect looks very cool, but I find very little information about the phenomenon. Perhaps because it is so rare and hard...
  3. D

    [NeedInfo]Persistent Contrails Picture Show

    Here is my journey through France. Dijon / Lyon / Metz. This was on 18th of May 2015. Here is the exact route...
  4. freestone wilson

    freestone begins....

    hi all. my name is freestone Wilson, and yes, this is a real name, the freestone comes from my grandfathers last name. a Breath of Fresh air. I have been bombarded for years with articles and posts that seem to indicate everything is Planned by some Lizards or some secret cabal. my weather...
  5. Buildy

    Is Windchill Bunk?

    Often in northern North American climates in the wintertime, not only is the forecast temperature reported, but alongside it is the "Windchill" - What it FEELS like to anyone who dare venture outside. Recently (Friday,) a local school board in Southern Ontario closed all schools due to an...
  6. Mick West

    Converting mb (pressure) to altitude, and sites where this is useful

    When studying contrails, you quite often come across diagrams and charts where instead of the altitude in feet or meters, we are given a pressure value in mb (millibars, sometimes also labeled hPa, which is exactly the same unit) For example, on the excellent site, we have...