Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

Hi everyone. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m 53 years old. I’m an evangelical. I love philosophy and apologetics and clear thinking. A lot of evangelicals are tripping all over conspiracy theories. I found out about Mick searching for books on the subject. Found his rabbit hole book and his podcast and now this page.

Some of these subjects I’m pretty new to. So I don’t necessarily know all the parameters the views.

Chemtrails is one I’m looking for good info and rescuing folks from. Looking forward to reading and interacting and learning.

Mick, thank you for your commitment to these topics.
Hi everyone. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m 53 years old. I’m an evangelical. I love philosophy and apologetics and clear thinking. A lot of evangelicals are tripping all over conspiracy theories. I found out about Mick searching for books on the subject. Found his rabbit hole book and his podcast and now this page.

Some of these subjects I’m pretty new to. So I don’t necessarily know all the parameters the views.

Chemtrails is one I’m looking for good info and rescuing folks from. Looking forward to reading and interacting and learning.

Mick, thank you for your commitment to these topics.

he also has a site "contrailscience.com". be sure to look at it.
Hey yall, 36 year old Dad living in Maine. Found out about this place via r/ufos, and enjoy the mindset that grand claims need real analysis work done.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

It's highly recommended that you first read the Posting Guidelines:
Hi, new member. Name is Mike, I reside in NJ. I am a former mufon investigator. I have since quit them and started my own group and my interest is uap unexplained phenomena. My professional job is a Microsoft Systems Engineer for a local MSP. Been in the IT field for 28 years, and dabble in Electronics, anything that I can build for skytracking, small form factor computing, like Intel NUC and Raspberry Pis. I run some video and image analysis software that I review my own items to try and debunk what I had observed. I hope to be a valid contributing member. Thanks.
Hi everbody,

I've been reading MB for quite some time now, mainly as a sort of intellectual entertainment.
I really admire the tenacity, attention to detail and willingness to go the extra mile of most forum members.

Also developed a deep love for SF in my childhood, so my interest in the whole topic could maybe best be described as watching a real life telenovela. About UFOs. With popcorn.

Hello, first post here. Just a small story about the New York ufo/balon. I did similar calculations on its speed. I approximated the plane location at the start and at the end of video, got 500 km/h plane speed, and 1m object size.

Posted it on reddit r/UFO, and got downvoted to oblivion.