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  • FatPhil
    It is highly improbable that it's 1 in 10^527 *because* we have a sample of one. The true neutral stance is a poisson one, which says that the chance of there being life on other planets is 42%. And no, that's not a joke, that's 1-e-1/(1-e-1)...
  • FatPhil
    This is why I generally chose 10-(10100) as my preferred arbitrary number. It tends to quash any other arbitrary numbers that are put into an equation.
  • FatPhil
    So many different ones? Well, one of them must be true! /s
  • FatPhil
    @Calter (quote from Masters) "...we can't just talk about the craft any longer but we also have to acknowledge that there are seemingly an intelligent um group of individuals species that are piloting these things and they ubiquitously described...
  • FatPhil
    How was the shutter triggered? I always use a cable for long exposures, even when on a tripod, because I fear even the most delicate contact with the camera body will cause streaks like this. (What's IR? Never heard of it!)
  • J
    jplaza replied to the thread Mystery of the Belmez Faces.
    A better translation (for me) because that's what will remain: 'los caras' de Belmez . Like that, in masculine. Time will tell
  • FatPhil
    FatPhil reacted to Mick West's post in the thread Streaks of Light in Night Photography with
    Not a perfect match, but that's probably due to lens distortion.
  • FatPhil
    FatPhil reacted to Mendel's post in the thread Streaks of Light in Night Photography with
    I think the clincher is that the trail in the center and the trail in the lower right look similar. That strongly suggests camera motion.
  • FatPhil
    FatPhil reacted to Mick West's post in the thread Streaks of Light in Night Photography with
    This ends in a bright spot that's elongated in the same direction as the stars, which means the bright spot is almost certainly a celestial object, like Jupiter. Which then suggests the wobbly trail is camera motion. Too much for the dim stars...
  • FatPhil
    FatPhil reacted to John J.'s post in the thread Claim: Pareidolia is bias with
    I get your point I think, but not sure I agree (though I might be in a minority); my tuppence worth: Pareidolia is seeing a face or other identified object among random or ambiguous visual information, where there is no face present which would...
  • John J.
    John J. replied to the thread Mystery of the Belmez Faces.
    Ah, that's useful. The last line of The Faces of Bélmez by Fernando L. Frías Sánchez reads (when machine translated into English) Because that is what is not going to disappear: the Caras de Bélmez. Thus, in masculine. And if not, at the same...
  • flarkey
    flarkey replied to the thread Captain R's Long UFO.
    I think the restricted views from the flight deck, particularly overhead, may have meant that it was only visible for a short period of time. This is from Mick's summary in post #1:
  • John J.
    John J. reacted to jplaza's post in the thread Mystery of the Belmez Faces with
    Just a nuance here: "Los caras" is a pun. "La cara / las caras" (the face/s) is a femenine word. When using the masculine article "los caras" it has a meaning of somebody being cheeky, dishonest, untrustful... . "Los caras de Bélmez" would be...
  • John J.
    John J. replied to the thread Providence Hotel Ghost.
    I'm not saying it's a hoax. But it would be really easy to pull off a hoax showing exactly the same stuff, particularly if you had help. (1) Assistant flips the light switch. Quickly and quietly moves behind the filming guy- has approx. 6-7...
  • FatPhil
    FatPhil reacted to Ann K's post in the thread Bugs and Suggestions for with
    @JMartJr I'm using a touch screen. If you hit the title or the new post on the right, you get to the new stuff. If you miss the title and instead hit the date the thread originated, you get to post number one.