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  • MonkeeSage
    Folks, check me on this, I am not sure it is true, but does it make sense to those of you with camera knowings? 1: IF it is a long exposure, then would possible rolling shutter or interruptions of the laser being emitted be off the table as an...
  • Mendel
    Mendel replied to the thread Providence Hotel Ghost.
    Reminder about pendulum physics: The frequency of a pendulum is fixed, that's how grandfather clocks work. As the pendulum runs down, the amplitude gets less, i.e. each swing still takes the same time, but is less wide than before.
  • MonkeeSage
    Person using some sort of para-wing thing skimming across the ocean collides with breaching small whale: Look in the comments section , there is in addition to this distant shot footage from the go...
  • MonkeeSage
    Howdy fellow debunkers! I found this site researching (debunking) SWR claims of the worm hole in the middle of the triangle based on the LIDAR data. After seeing the video that Mick created debunking the LIDAR results, I knew that I found a place...
  • MonkeeSage
    Hello guys, I'm new here, do you have any tips for beginners like me?
  • MonkeeSage
    MonkeeSage reacted to John J.'s post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    Wow. Could BAASS write that $334,667 off against tax? All that (originally) taxpayer's money given to a "UFO research" organisation whose senior figures wonder if a scene containing 1/35-scale WW2 German soldier models is evidence of a saucer...
  • MonkeeSage
    A bit off topic, but interesting that the numbers really shoot up right around the time BAASS using $350K from AAWSAP (taxpayers) got a hold of MUFON's database and tuned it up for them: As a result of substantial funding from AAWSAP BAASS to...
  • MonkeeSage
    MonkeeSage reacted to FatPhil's post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    Our protection from this line of attack is to request the best evidence first, the evidence that they are most convinced is real. That way, they can never claim that they've come up with a better one, they're always scraping lower and lower down...
  • MonkeeSage
    MonkeeSage reacted to JMartJr's post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    Didn't pay any attention to that before, but what's happening here is a picture is being released, we and others debunk it, and another is released, with "Well, can you debunk THIS one?" And there's a whole folder of others waiting in line...
  • Greene
    Greene reacted to NorCal Dave's post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    A bit off topic, but interesting that the numbers really shoot up right around the time BAASS using $350K from AAWSAP (taxpayers) got a hold of MUFON's database and tuned it up for them: As a result of substantial funding from AAWSAP BAASS to...
  • Greene
    Greene reacted to Skalman's post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    Now, this had long been proved to be a hoax before I got here, but his explanation of the "gigantic tree trunks" being "consistent with trees in that part of the country" is a horrible, horrible argument. First of all, the tree trunks are not...
  • John J.
    John J. replied to the thread Mystery of the Belmez Faces.
    @NorCal Dave shows us the experts were part of a TV show that carries stories about the paranormal, but it isn't about scientific investigation of paranormal claims. The men concerned- and most others allowed to "investigate" the claims...
    • r.jpg
  • MonkeeSage
    MonkeeSage reacted to FatPhil's post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    Another MUFON hit: jennifer w stein @onwinges Jennifer W Stein, Is a graduate of the University of Arizona in Textiles. She is a state section director MUFON. Jennifer is a documentary film maker...
  • MonkeeSage
    MonkeeSage reacted to Mendel's post in the thread Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures with
    Presumably, the MUFON manual would say more. Instead, have some data: Source: This report...
  • MonkeeSage
    I think MUFON's bigger problem is 40-50 years of nothing. I scored this book at a used shop a while back: It's from1991 and is a combination of classic UFO cases and MUFON cases. It includes a forward by MUFON director Walt Andrus and is...