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  1. flarkey

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    Bug - Sitrec nightsky is running at about 1/3 of realtime. (it does this on both my PC and mac, but admittedly they are old and have a slow internet connection , so it might just be me. Happens in Chrome & Firefox on mac and in Edge on PC)
  2. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I found this video that has a good view of the Yeni Kent apartments and the surrounding area from the sea, The white gazebos over to the left hand side are where Yalcin claims to have recorded the ufo video from. The street-light that is mentioned early in this thread is visible Source...
  3. flarkey

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    Bug: Sitrec NightSky is not opening with the latest Starlink TLE loaded.
  4. flarkey

    Montecito Heights Health Club Flaring Satellite Train?

    Looks like this would have been the 5-4 Group launched a few days earlier TLE file is attached. Source...
  5. flarkey

    Montecito Heights Health Club Flaring Satellite Train?

    yes that looks very much like a flaring train. It reminds me of the first flaring case in Jalisco, Mexico. Thread 'Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th' Source...
  6. flarkey

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    Nice. I tried to catch you out by using a non-starlink TLE - the hundred or so brightest satellites - but it worked seamlessly!
  7. flarkey

    AARO UAP Report 2023

    The 29 Palms "Craft" was shown to be IR Flares - they are not as bright as illumination flares and they glow with an eerie purple colour, which makes them look otherworldly. They emit most of their energy in the infra-red spectrum and so can be used to illuminate areas for pilots or soldiers...
  8. flarkey

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    Video of the suspected explosion seems to fit the skyline for the Hospital Area. Note the angled solar panels. I assume the angled solar panels are pretty common in the area, but the similarity with the skyline, trees makes me think the video shows the same event. Right hand image has been...
  9. flarkey

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    @Mick West do you think we should have a specific thread for bugs in sitrec ? The PVS-14 thread has numerous post regarding it its own sitch, and posts regarding Night Sky issues/bugs and patches are in there too. Bug in Night Sky: Satellite Names aren't rendering correctly in both globe and...
  10. flarkey

    Interesting example of balloons? drifting by a building

    if it's not in the LIZ then it is usually either TFA or OOF. Too Far Away or Out Of Focus.
  11. flarkey

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    Whats the green blob above the sun in this screenshot and in the starmap?? Venus? If so, then I assume the red dot left of the sun is Mercury? Edit - Duh - I turned on the starnames and that answered all my questions.
  12. flarkey

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    Wow, that's fantastic. I did a quick comparison with Heavens-Above and the predicted orbital visibility seems spot on. Although I'll have to wait until the end of October before the flares are visible for me. Looking forward to trying it in real time.
  13. flarkey


    Flashes tend to come from tumbling satellites, rather than flares. They can seem to move very slowly access the night sky. I've seen them frequently and they do indeed look very strange. Source:
  14. flarkey

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    wow, that is truly fantastic. can I disable the globe view & the video view so it can be viewed in the mobile version of Chrome? and then load in the latest TLEs? because if so... then we'll have a mobile app that could show flares in real-time... and that would be absolutely epic. ✅
  15. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Nice video here from Mick that includes this investigation.... Source:
  16. flarkey

    Azumyama Japan 1995 - Cigar Shaped UFO (building reflection)

    yep, that looks a better fit than my suggestion. ANd also the angle of the solar panels on the roof makes more sense to reflect the sun up to the hikers...
  17. flarkey

    Azumyama Japan 1995 - Cigar Shaped UFO (building reflection)

    So this one popped up on my timeline yesterday... Source: The Debunk Looks like this was just a reflection off the...
  18. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Yes. But it wasnt not the witness - the video poster had a 'trusted contact' who sent them the video, presumably on the 18th, This is who posted the original Starlink video...
  19. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Yes, i have found it a little jerky. Not surprsing as I'm on an iMac 21.5-inch, Mid 2011 running High Sierra 10.13.16, and on a 17mbps internet link. Sorry :eek:
  20. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Thats very impressive. Tracking is just about perfect from start to finish. Here's the last few seconds of the video for those who dont want to work with Sitrec.