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  1. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    From the video we can see that the plane that is travelling eastbound, lags behind the camera plane (it gradually moves left in the field of view). So either the camera plane is accellerating past it, or it is getting further away. Looking at the playback data south of Guymon there are limited...
  2. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    @Mick West - I think I have it. ;) I started to think that we must have something wrong on this - probably not your coding skills, probably not my TLE or geolocation. So the only other input we have is the date from the OP. Could this be wrong? I previously suggested looking through historical...
  3. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    another report on Reddit of a pilot seeing lights
  4. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    I'm still trying to tie down an exact time in the video. The moment when the two planes cross at the 1m29s mark seems to be a good reference to work on . With this in mind we can assume Aircraft A is on a similar heading to the aircraft that the camera is on (Heading West --> East) , and...
  5. flarkey

    UAP Video - Columbus, MS - Jan 15, 2023

    Just looked at the video and it 100% looks like the ISS. And comparing the video with Stellarium the visible stars match the stars of Perseus exactly. (note the time in this screenshot is UTC). @CosmoTheDog - I'm pretty confident that this is what you saw.
  6. flarkey

    UAP Video - Columbus, MS - Jan 15, 2023

    Goto configuration window > plug ins > satellites > configure. Unselect "Update satellite data from internet sources". Select the [...] button to navigate to the TLE file (oops that was wrong). Click 'Update now' and select the tle file.
  7. flarkey

    Historical Satellite Pass Data

    The other way to do it is using You'll need a free account. You can do an ELSET search with a specific date window, as shown in the screenshot below. Alternatively you can edit the url (dates and name includes Starlink in this case)...
  8. flarkey

    UAP Video - Columbus, MS - Jan 15, 2023

    I get historical TLEs from You need a free account. You can search for a satellite by name and within a date range...,EPOCH/format/3le/OBJECT_NAME/ISS~~/
  9. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    The OP of the video says it was taken on the 18th, but of course that could be the 19th after midnight. I've tried comparing the historical lightning maps from here with the position of the lightning seen in the video, and the 20th April seems to be the closest match. Pretty sure the time of the...
  10. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    I checked this this other day too. The TLE syntax uses the day of the year to identify the validity , which in the file I submitted is 23106 & 23107 for days 106 & 107, which is 16 & 17 May 2023. So that should be ok. I had tried to sync the video against times on 19 & 20 May using the same...
  11. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Hmm, looks like I was wrong here. I think the speed of the video is closer to x5. Play the OP video at 0.25 speed (which , if at x4 speed would put it back to real-time) and compare the windfarm lights flashing in the foreground with the Windfarm lights in the second one at normal speed...
  12. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    I've been trying to sync this up for the last few days, with no luck. I thought that I should just check that the TLEs are right, and the sitrec software is plotting them right ... and I think they are. This is a comparison between and @Mick West' sitrec graphics. All the...
  13. flarkey

    Coriolis effect in artillery debunks Flat Earth?

    As an ex Artilleryman I can confirm that the rotation of the earth is a contributing factor in the aiming of the guns. However, it is not something that is in the minds of the Gun Group or the Forward observers. Nowadays it's all done by computer, in the past the aiming calculations were all...
  14. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Looking at the flashes of the Windfarm lights at 1m20s in the video - which in reality are 1 Hz but are about 4 Hz in the video - I think it is x4.
  15. flarkey

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection Releases UAP Documents and Videos

    Also, radars are less accurate then people think. In the Aguadilla case the SCU tried to use the radar PRF (pulse repetition frequency) to define how accurate the radar position data was. they used a PRF of 4.2kHz, around 360° at 81nm to determine the distance between pulses- which gave them an...
  16. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    I'll see if I can confirm the plane - best guess was N321DH (possible KMLs are attached) The TLEs are in the post #14 above: Lat and longs are also in the kml that confirms the windfarm in post #8...
  17. flarkey

    Mass UFO Sighting at Area 6, Nevada [Starlink]

    hey @Mick West do you think we'd be able to revisit this sighting with the new additions you've made to Sitrec... Thread 'PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares - Starlink?'...
  18. flarkey

    Mass UFO Sighting at Area 6, Nevada [Starlink]

    Jeez Mick. You're good.
  19. flarkey

    Mass UFO Sighting at Area 6, Nevada [Starlink]

    The Starlink TLEs for 4-5 Aug 23 are attached.
  20. flarkey

    Mass UFO Sighting at Area 6, Nevada [Starlink]

    I think this is the same video at normal speed Source: