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  1. flarkey

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    Golf hole in ones....? The odds of making a hole in one are 12,500 to 1. For professional golfers, the odds of making a hole in one drop to 2,500 to 1. Source:
  2. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    hey @JAFO that's an interesting point about the pattern of the changing scenes. I had hypothisised previously that the changing shape of the 'ufo' could potentially be explaianed by a the monitor changing which camera feed it is showing over time, maybe changing every 2 or 5 minutes. This might...
  3. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    Contrast it with this one.... New information acquired by reporter John Greenewald has shed new light on a reported Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) case from...
  4. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    Seems that the story has now reached the Daily Mail ... Videos of a 2021 incident some marines believed to be a triangular...
  5. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    You're correct, but this picture is from that range looking south east.
  6. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    There are two additional aircraft in the image ....
  7. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    I uploaded the image to Astrometry net and it auto detected the stars in the image. Note the star Spica. top left. Checking against and the position of Spica at the time, it shows that the picture is looking roughly...
  8. flarkey

    Debunking Humor...

    I thought this was funny. Not sure what we're crying about though? All our sucesses, maybe?
  9. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    I've just replied to them saying how surprised I was to read that line in the email, and how it contradicts what they say on their website. I suggested that determining that a UAP poses no hazard to an aircraft is equally as important as determining that it does, because of the distraction it...
  10. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    yeah, after posting that I thought the same thing. it says on their website... Isn't determining if a UAP poses a risk or not to an Aircraft a safety issue. Showing that a UAP is no threat is equally as important as showing that it does, because aircrew can be distracted or put the aircraft...
  11. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    I received a reply from the Dutch UAP Coalition....
  12. flarkey

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    There are more videos but they are just as unreliable as ever. In fact, the metadata that usually comes with videos, along with the archives of plane flights, ship movements, and astronomical events makes many of the videos explicable. The remaining videos that show possibly 'anomalous' events...
  13. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Another report of Orbs over the atlanic has been released...... Source: This looks like starlink flares again, and this sped up version, whist looking interesting, shows the repeatative naturte of the sighting...
  14. flarkey

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    I've asked @DaveG to recall his sighting before, but he seems reluctant.
  15. flarkey

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    There's a good archive of images from the Mount Wilson webcams here: Some of the images around the time of the video show some objects in the sky, like this one:
  16. flarkey

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    I find @Edward Current 's observation of the pattern interesting, and I have wondered for a while why the popularity of 'black triangles' in UFO sightings. Is it because one or two lights in the sky are perceived a separate points of lights (ie orbs?), but the the observation of 3 points of...
  17. flarkey

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    These two positions are very close to being contradictory. You suggest that craft are undetectable by some surveillance systems, but may be detectable by others, whist at the same time being visually detectable by the human eye of the random witnesses? This very mysterious - almost inexplicable...
  18. flarkey

    CLAIM - Beyond Skinwalker Ranch S1e1 - UAP captured on video

    So there's a sequel out to the pioneering science show on the History Channel about Skinwaker Ranch, and they have called it Beyond Skinwalker Ranch. Source: In the first episode they...
  19. flarkey

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    @NorCal Dave - you've posted wind charts for 6th June. The sighting was on 26 June.
  20. flarkey

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    No helicopters either. Doesn't look like a helicopter to me - rather it looks like it is being driven by the wind and is comparatively close (a few hundred yards maybe?) to the witness.