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  1. flarkey

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    I've quickly checked the usual flight trackers - no blimps tracked near Las Vegas at 5.45am (12.45pm UTC) 26 June 2023. Sunrise was at 5.25am, so the witness's stated time may be out by a little
  2. flarkey

    Orange light over Kyle, Texas March 2022

    The witness said... In a weather forecast or report the wind direction given is the the direction From which the wind is blowing, so for SSW it was going 'from SSW to NNE', which is exactly the same at the witness reported.
  3. flarkey

    Claim: UFO seen from observatory in Oman in 2017

    It looks exactly like a contrailing aeroplane would look when silhouetted against the moon. I don't even think this needs any more debate. Unfortunately the sighting is too old to check ADSB records to identify the exact plane and flight number, but we could probable workout the flightpath and...
  4. flarkey

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    The vide An "arm chip" is a microprocessor made by ARM . They are used extensively in iPhones.
  5. flarkey

    Peings and von Rennenkampff: Reconstruction of Potential Flight Paths for the January 2015 “Gimbal” UAP

    Are they attributing the "15% increase in size" in glare to a 15% reduction in distance? There are other reasons that the source of glare could appear larger - such as (1) it actually became brighter/hotter, or (2) as in the 'distant jet' scenario - more of the exhaust of the jet became visible...
  6. flarkey

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    yep, been trying to find this location in NW Las Vegas, no luck yet. The writing on this roof seems quite unique - "LFF 4004" - what does that mean? Edit - found it: [Admin: Location information removed] Pretty sure thats the house: Edit 2: Is this DOXing? Don't want to ID the...
  7. flarkey

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    Here you go... Some interviews and analysis with investigative journalist Doug Poppa ... Source: Source:
  8. flarkey

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it. Source: Source...
  9. flarkey

    Satellites as Bright as Planets?

    as well as iridium flares there are a number of satellite pairs and triplets that flare very brightly. I've seen a NOSS triplet form a massive black triangle in the eastern sky, and the Yaogan satellites flare as a very bright double. And if course there are the Starling flares which can happen...
  10. flarkey

    Satellites as Bright as Planets?

    for going back in time is best as it uses the orbital data that was valid at the time you set. they have a spacecraft tab and a planetarium view. quite simple to , but you need to remember to set your location.
  11. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    As far as I know he was the only one to take video, although I think that a few other claimed to have seen it. Here's Dr George Leir (famous UFOlogist) taking about the time he saw it... Source:
  12. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    First of all : Yeah, apologies if my previous comment was a little terse. I'd had a few glasses of vino. o_O Also.... Yes, I feel like this with regard to the whole UFO topic sometimes. Might be time to go cold Turkey (no pun intended). I have better things to do with my life, but debunking...
  13. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    so no actual criticism of my hypothesis that the features seen in the video are illuminated objects, scan lines, CRT bleeding, TV screen occultation and improved imagery quality due to LCD screen replacement? Just that your theory is better than mine?
  14. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I've just been gathering some of my thoughts on my hypothesis that the Turkey UFO is a recording of a wide angle security CCTV feed, possibly on an old CRT type monitor. I made these images for a Twitter post. Hopefully they might help to get my idea across and encourage others to do some more...
  15. flarkey

    Debunking Humor...

    Spotted on #ufotwitter And I suppose this is more 'conspiracy humour' than debunking humour...
  16. flarkey

    Claim: Melton 'UFO's' Melbourne, Australia (1983)

    Regarding that first UFO sketch... It just reminds me of a Bell 47 Helicopter. They were in service with the Australian Army from 1968 to the early 1970s but there may have been other airframes, either civil or Military Historic Flights still flying...
  17. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    a "SW" wind indicates a wind that is blowing from the south west, so any airborne object in air with a SW wind will drift North East.
  18. flarkey

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Checked the source: And edited the OP.
  19. flarkey

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    Thanks @deirdre ;) So this is the recorded wind at the time of the sighting... From the NW between 14 - 18 mph (gusting 22 - 28 mph). So if we're looking north east, and the wind is blowing from the North west (90° to our left, and from left to right as we look) then the observed descent and...