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  1. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    This is a great video. It shows just how dynamic that the Starlink flares can be. Just some initial thoughts and analysis.... 1. We know that this video was taken over the USA. 2. We know the upper limit of starlink satellites orbit is around 53 degrees, 3. We know that Starlink flares occur...
  2. flarkey

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Very hard to do without a date & location. We might be able to estimate this by cross-referencing the elevation of Cassiopeia above the horizon, and the direction of the sun to just to the right of Cassiopeia. Comparing historical cloud coverage over continental USA at these times might give an...
  3. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Two more reports on Reddit \r\UFOs today... Source: Source:
  4. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Possible recent sighting report from airlines over southern USA. Source: Delta 1564, April 19 2023, 0800UTC. At this time, the sun would have been at -40 degrees below the horizon, towards the north...
  5. flarkey

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    Source: An intitial check of the sun & starcharts suggest that this is is outside of the expected parameters for Starlink Flares. The sun was only 22 degrees below the horizon and , assuming that the...
  6. flarkey

    The Andy McGrillen UFO Sighting

    Glasgow has a Christmas Market every year on George Square which is right in the centre of the city. Recent ones included a Ferris wheel, although I haven't been able to find any photos of the market from the 1990s.
  7. flarkey

    UAP V video by Jorge Arteaga
  8. flarkey

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    Some great videos of Starlink Flares (reported as Ractrack UAPs) recorded recently (April 2023) from Paradise, California. So @Mick West thats not too far from Sacramento, you should be able to see them now ;) . Source: Source...
  9. flarkey

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    Starlink flares seen from Texas... Source: Source: Sun position and direction is as we'd expect for Starlink Flares...
  10. flarkey

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    The website only really deals with the Starlink trains that go overhead. The ones that have been seen here are very low to the horizon, maybe only 5° above. The sun should be around 40° below the horizon and in the direction that the flares were seen, in this case NW (I think).
  11. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Here's a recently posted and interesting thread on Reddit from an airline pilot who has been seeing 'lights in the sky' on his recent flights up the East coast of the USA. The comments from other pilots and Redditors quickly come to the conclusion that it is again Starlink satellites flaring...
  12. flarkey

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    A nice example of Starlink flares seen in Maryland recently has been posted on Reddit... Source:
  13. flarkey

    Secret Craft spotted over England...?

    Congratulations @Trailspotter you win the prize of .... zip! This is indeed the plane, with the azure blue body taken from the Italian national colours.
  14. flarkey

    Secret Craft spotted over England...?

    I took this photo whilst on holiday in England this morning. I was looking up at the very deep blue sky, I'd say it was almost an azure colour, when I saw this flying wing craft whizzing by at amazing speed. I took a photo using my phone and you can clearly see that it shows some kind of flying...
  15. flarkey

    Mosul "Sphere"

    Its always a possibility. We only have a still of the 'orb', but apparently the 'orb' moves across the FoV in the original video which would suggest that it was a real object. Also, the still we have looks to me like a screen grab rather than a photo of an LCD screen.
  16. flarkey

    Mosul "Sphere"

    Yes. Could be a finger over a light. But I still stand by my first suggestion that it is a window behind the camera which is being obscured by someone else walking around the room.
  17. flarkey

    Mosul "Sphere"

    To me that looks like a reflection on the screen that is being recorded. The light source seems to be behind the person filming, perhaps a window that is at times obscured by someone else in the room. I don't think it is an artefact on the original video.
  18. flarkey

    Trying to identify an object with a contrail

    Airliners heading east above 20,000 ft at 8am Alaska Time, are as below. Probably not the 747 as it has 4 engines. Looking at the OP picture of the contrails, I suspect that it is the Singapore Airlines A350, with the JAL 787 just visible above the treeline. @AtomPages - Knowing exactly...