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  1. flarkey

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    @Ravi - I think you're right, and I've commented in that Reddit thread already. However, as you can see in the video, the elevation is quite high, so although it probably is Starlink satellites flaring i dont think we'll see the Sun at 40 degrees below the horizon The reddit post give 6.45pm...
  2. flarkey

    Reddit post: Glowing orbs I filmed on a flight from Vegas to Boston. More details in comments.

    Source: Could the 'orbs' be these other two aircraft ....? (KML attached) In Google Earth... the perspective and relative position of the two 'orbs' seems to match with the...
  3. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    And there's more... Source: location and time fits for the sun position:,-71.8066,8/2023.02.12/13:41/1/3 Canadian CADORS Report Link These are the three aircraft mentioned in the report, all...
  4. flarkey

    Multiple UFOs Observed from South Brazil [Mostly Starlink]

    Starlink Satellite Flares are now being seen in Uruguay and being reported as OVNIs / UFOs. This is on Facebook.. Video 1 - Update, these were filmed around 01.45 AM from near Monte Video, roughly -34.93 S -55.50 W Sun is in the expected position, around 40 degrees below the horizon.
  5. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes? 'We're not crazy': Listen to a flight report unusual lights near Yellowknife in January: Source: Filed UFO Report...
  6. flarkey

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Yesterday I was contacted via DM by a pilot on (the Professional Pilots Rumour Network) who had read my comments on the thread "Light show between 40 and 30 West" . He was flying over the Bay of Biscay at 0400Z on the morning of 14 Feb 23 and saw the Starlink flares phenomenon. He...
  7. flarkey

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    To be a bit pedantic - they don't have a transponder (which respond to another station's request), they have a location beacon that continually transmits the balloons location and other data. I think the two main reason they have them is 1) so that they can recover them when they eventually...
  8. flarkey

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Slightly off thread.... I often post links to plane tracking and satellite tracking websites on here but did you know that you can track Weather Balloons all around the world.... Amateur balloons can be tracked here Root page is...
  9. flarkey

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Video from the ground of the balloon being shot down. Very NSFW. Source:
  10. flarkey

    Retired F-18 Pilot Reports 5 UAPs Pacing His Aircraft Over Channel Islands 8-18-22

    Just as a reminder, the video that Hulsey took of the UAP is 100% consistent with: Reflections in the window of iPhone Autofocus sensors Starlink Flares We still dont have any video of lights in the sky doing anything unusual or moving in extraordinary ways. He seems to say that they were...
  11. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I keep coming back to this case and reviewing the video for more clues. This stabilized version is the best version to view in my opinion. Anyway - It appears that these two frames, almost six months apart, and although on first glance they look very different , they do appear show the same...
  12. flarkey

    Retired F-18 Pilot Reports 5 UAPs Pacing His Aircraft Over Channel Islands 8-18-22

    Interview with the pilot Pilot Mark Hulsey. The link opens at the time when he starts talking about this sighting... Source: Radar & Radio recordings... Source:
  13. flarkey

    Solved: A Balloon-Like Entity near Sutter Buttes, CA is a Graduation Balloon

    It means that we've been caught out. (It was sarcasm)
  14. flarkey

    Solved: A Balloon-Like Entity near Sutter Buttes, CA is a Graduation Balloon

    We've been rumbled. Source:
  15. flarkey

    Why "Racetrack" UFOs are mostly Starlink Flares

    Just thought I should do the due dilligence and check the parameters on this sighting. First of all , we need to take into account the poorly-sync'd video and audio that @Easy Muffin noted above. This is so we can get an accurate time & position for DELTA722. So at 10.05UTC aircraft DELTA722...
  16. flarkey

    Solved: A Balloon-Like Entity near Sutter Buttes, CA is a Graduation Balloon

  17. flarkey

    Balloon shapes

  18. flarkey

    Solved: A Balloon-Like Entity near Sutter Buttes, CA is a Graduation Balloon

    The t-shirt balloon here seems to be of a similar style.
  19. flarkey

    Why "Racetrack" UFOs are mostly Starlink Flares

    @Easy Muffin ... Source: