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  1. flarkey

    Claim - they've found the Calvine location

    Have these guys found the actual Calvine location...? Source:
  2. flarkey

    Claim: There's an organised group of debunkers who are paid to discredit UFOs

    I think the only people who are profiting from the UFO/UAP story are the ones promoting it on TV shows.
  3. flarkey

    Claim: There's an organised group of debunkers who are paid to discredit UFOs

    So, Travis Taylor, Scientific Advisor to the UAP Task Force seems to think that there's an organised group of debunkers who are paid to discredit UFOs. Source: What evidence can we find to confirm...
  4. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Yep thanks. Got a copy of them both.
  5. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    The full Rubber Duck Video has just been released to YouTube with the full screen metadata visible. Source: Source: Can anyone download this ... ?
  6. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I agree. The cruise ship hypothesis doesn't really fit at all.
  7. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    The second video I linked to in post #41 shows that the direction to the Starlink train was exactly in line with the sun when it was below the horizon. This could have created a particularly bright flare from the satellites. I've never seen Starlink flare quite so brightly, but I have seen other...
  8. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    I agree. Some of the videos posted do not look like Starlink to me, but those that I posted recently do. We have a matching time, matching place in the sky, and a matching appearance. I'd say this is Starlink with about a 99% confidence level.
  9. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    I'm starting to agree with the idea that this was starlink Some new videos: Source...
  10. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    Just checking the claims in the first post. Heavens Above does state that the Starlink satellites train from the launch on 5 September would have been visible from Jalisco at the (rough) time of the sighting.
  11. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    Two posters on Reddit have posted claims that this is Starlink. (I'm not yet convinced). But will look into their arguments. Source: And another... Source:
  12. flarkey

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    Well @LilWabbit , you can debunk rainbows all you like, but try debunking this....
  13. flarkey

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    Sorry - just my oversensitivity at the moment. A bit 'too soon' :(. But hey, the debunking must go on.
  14. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    I think what's not immediately apparent with these lights is that the motion seems to be in one direction, (say left to right), but on closer inspection the lights appear in the other direction (right to left). I've tried to find a video & timecode that shows it best. Source...
  15. flarkey

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    I don't event think this even needs a thread. Particularly not now.
  16. flarkey

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    Not necessarily true. Yes it's true for illumination flares which have a parachute and descend slowly, but decoy flares burn very intensely for a short duration. Source: Source:
  17. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    Ah, I thought you wanted the time for the ADSB Playback :D It was flying around the area at the time shown below (around 4.30am - ish) For time conversions I use:
  18. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    This pass of the helicopter fits... Produces this 3d pass in Google earth