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  1. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    DOnt have an exact time of the video, but this was flying around the airport on the evening of 7 Sept
  2. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    Found it:,-117.6533109,3a,75y,122.33h,86.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOl6mB9-vFtsG-3fSQJebYA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 And...
  3. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    Yeah you're absolutely right. There's only so much work we can be expected to do. And I've just realised her hashtag was actually #debunkersunwelcome :mad::rolleyes:
  4. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    Video for those who don't like Twitter. Location: Ontario, California - Interstate I-10-, Hwy -60? Date: 7 Sept 2022 Time: 6:31AM BST = 5:30AM UTC = 1030PM LA Time We should be able to geolocate this junction...
  5. flarkey

    Lights in the Sky in SoCal...

    Twitter user Beckie_Ness introduced this video and included the hashtag #DebunkersWelcome, which was a nice touch. This looks very much like an aircraft, but can we prove it? Source:
  6. flarkey

    Debunking Humor...

    I think we should set up a Metabunk Store. Here's another T-shirt design.....
  7. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Welcome, and its nice to see that you're open to the conclusions of our investigations.
  8. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Nice find, I had thought the same re the centre pivot irrigation. I had been concentrating on finding a suitable aircraft with the correct United Express livery. Your suggestion of N615UX fits.
  9. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    I think the airline is United Express. I'll try some filters for that airline at the time. And I'm not convinced that the area of "Atchison" is particularly accurate. Yes, somewhere in that area - the Missouri river basin appears to be visible in the background of the video - but it could...
  10. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    That's weird, I see loads of them around the area on Flightradar24, and that's just the E175 long variant....
  11. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    I think the aircraft is an Embraer E175, based on the winglet... not sure of the airline yet
  12. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Well, not no chance. The date and minutes/secs are probably correct. Just the hr, which will can only really be +1 or -2.
  13. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Just a thought about this, the time-zone on phones is often set by the network at the departure airport, and doesnt sync with changes until landing and rejoining the cell network. This is particularly a problem in the USA which has multiple timezones.
  14. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Not that - I was looking at the pitot or light extension on the trailing edge , and the shade of blue.
  15. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Hmm, not I'm now not convinced they are the same.
  16. flarkey

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Press the M icon for multi select. Possibly these two? DAL557 is a Airbus A321 Similar wingtips...
  17. flarkey

    Flashing Light in the night sky by Karmavor

    Some random notes as I think about this... ....from we have the Satelite Orbital period = 126.4 minutes So thats round the world in 126.4 minutes. --> 360 degrees in 126.4 minutes =360/126.4 = 2.8 degrees a minute Field of view across the short axis...
  18. flarkey

    Flashing Light in the night sky by Karmavor

    That's only 3 flashes that the object was in frame for.