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  1. flarkey

    UFO report on the Black Vault. Starlink Satellite Train?

    The aircraft in question, and the others that reports seeing something... This news report suggests that the Starlink G4-14 was visible form Michigan at about 9.49 pm that night and for about 5 mins...
  2. flarkey

    UFO report on the Black Vault. Starlink Satellite Train? FAA Confirmed UFO Sighting April 22, 2022, by LXJ359 over Kessel, West Virginia On April 23, 2022, Reddit user JangleyJim posted an FAA report of a UFO from the day...
  3. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I have a hunch (and some tenuous evidence) that the same firm provides security at Yeni Kent and at the Marina (or at least they did 2007-2009). Havent got anything solid yet though.
  4. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    This image from post #1 seems to show differing 'curvature' in the various different ufo images. So I think thats a yes. My own criticism of these this theory is - the curvature appears to be going the wrong way for a fish eye lens, ie the bottom of the image is turned down rather than up...
  5. flarkey

    Gimbal UFO - A New Analysis

    There are numerous other articles on line, most many are UFO related. Mick is even the subject of this one. Edit: clarifying most/many
  6. flarkey

    Gimbal UFO - A New Analysis

    @Mick West - Where did you get the model for the F18 from? Source:
  7. flarkey

    Mexican Air Force UFO Video? [Oil Rigs]

    It is just a matter of perspective. The original investigation by Alcione (only available on the wayback machine) has lots of info, charts and analysis on this. There's not much more to be done,
  8. flarkey

    Mexican Air Force UFO Video? [Oil Rigs]

    100% agree on this. But even still the correlation between the two videos is very close:
  9. flarkey

    Mexican Air Force UFO Video? [Oil Rigs]

    I found this video on the Way back machine, and thought I should upload it to YouTube for easy access. It shows a flight near where the original video was recorded, and is filmed with an two-mode camera - IR & colour - and shows how the oil rigs would have looked. It speaks for itself really...
  10. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Yeah, accepted. Haven't worked that one out yet.
  11. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    There are mostly wave sounds but there is one section that is distinctly rain. It coincides with a distorted image, due to rain drops falling over whatever is being filmed. At 24m57s in this clip.... Source:
  12. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I think the cruise ship hypothesis only works for one of the scenes seen in the video, not the others. Yes - this works No this doesnt. I still suggest that the security camera TV screen accounts for: 1. The shape of the object 2. The brightness of the object 3. The horizontal lines seen...
  13. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Sure, I accept this is hard to grasp, thats why so many people think it looks like a UFO. ;) My theory (mentioned numerous times in this thread) is that what we are looking at is a wide angle CCTV feed, the arched shapes that we see throughough the video are straight line features but they...
  14. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I'm still thinking about this stupid video. :mad:o_O Bearing in mind @Gom 's idea that the 'object' in the video is projected onto a window (possibly reflected), and my crazy idea that this could be a security camera feed, possibly in a marina, the logical next step is to try and find a...
  15. flarkey

    Debunking Humor...

  16. flarkey

    Plot to assassinate Vladimir Solovyov

    Is there a translation of what the rest of the book's note says?
  17. flarkey

    Plot to assassinate Vladimir Solovyov

    I thought this too.
  18. flarkey

    Debunking Humor...

    I like this edit of the KFC logo, but when I see "JFC" it doesn't mean Jesus Fried Chicken to me. :p
  19. flarkey

    Mexican Air Force UFO Video? [Oil Rigs]

    Just adding some info that was discovered in this thread: User @Vattic used the NASA FIRMS website to check for heat sources in the Bay of Campeche on 5 March 2004. The image below confirms that there were...
  20. flarkey

    Weird lighting, but already debunked.

    This was seen over Illinois at about 1am UTC time, which is pretty close to when you saw your 'thing'. This is the Starlink train, not the booster deburn... This was also from Michigan earlier in the night... Source...