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  1. flarkey

    Multiple UFOs near Southampton airport (2005)

    A straight line from Southampton airport over Horton Heath leasds to...
  2. flarkey

    Multiple UFOs near Southampton airport (2005)

    I was thinking this too. The movement and the quick change in direction suggests something small and manoeuvrable such as RC planes... or aliens, obviously. Source:
  3. flarkey

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    Its the one that Mick has done a lot of work into explaining. It seems they want to prove him wrong.
  4. flarkey

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    Yeah that's pretty much what I did too. I think I may have googled COLES DISTRIBUTION CENTRE and I had a hunch we were looking for a site in the West of Melbourne, but the same idea applies.
  5. flarkey

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    I assume that is at the exact time of the video....? I have added the witness location and direction for the removal of all doubt....
  6. flarkey

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    Just for reference, the RAAF display on March 30 was pretty much in the area of the video. The flight path of one of the Roulettes display Aircraft is available on ADSB exchange. Aircraft A54-044
  7. flarkey

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    That is true. Trying to see if they were displaying in Melbourne on Fr 1 April too.
  8. flarkey

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    Snapshot from the video: Royal Australian Air Force Aerobatic team - The Roulettes - in formation. Kinda similar....? Source:
  9. flarkey

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    Looks like low level fighters to me Maybe related to this...?
  10. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Hey @Gom I've done a bit of work on this too. Maybe we should compare notes? I noticed the rainfall too, and agree that the 'object' seen is probably a reflection of something. ? I suggest that the 'object' at 19m14s is the original image...(recorded 2 July 2008) without distortions, ...
  11. flarkey

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    I think an achievable goal within budget could be the fusion of data that could make either or all... 1) the night sky 2) flight kml data 3) satellite pass data ... appear in the 'sky' part of Google Street view imagery. I've had to do this manually in the past with a copy and paste in...
  12. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    In the original Reddit post the OP says: I've tried to stitch some of the frames from the video together to verify this and try and estimate the actual look-down angle. This will allow us to estimate the distance from the aircraft. This matches @jarlrmai 's picture above, although I think...
  13. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Nice 3d model of a 767 cockpit here: Tried to recreate the view so as to estimate the viewing angle through the window to the spaceship, er I mean 'orange light'. Not quite there yet.
  14. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Interestingly, there are heat sources in the Bay of Campeche area for this year.,-91.9212,8z/date=2022-03-05,pm/layers=daily,fires (Edit: this is getting slightly off thread)
  15. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    You mean this one? The site appears to, but only offers an AM/PM time setting, and doesn't seem to have the fires layer available...
  16. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    The website Zoom.Earth has a historical satellite imagery view that includes a "fires" layer. The image for 27Mar22 at 0600UTC shows a fire in the area identified above.,-46.46,6z/date=2022-03-27,06:00,+1/layers=fires And overlaid in Google Earth...
  17. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    I managed to overlay the map from my post above with your geoloc of the rig and the flight path. It shows the proximity of the flight to the gas fields quite well...
  18. flarkey

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Jeez, we're good. The full flight path of the aircraft should be available in the attached file. How does that match up with the locations of the rigs?