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  1. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I disagree. There's nothing to suggest that this isn't man made.
  2. flarkey

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Isn't the boresight just the physical orientation of the pod lateral and vertical axes of the pod, which corresponds to the view when the gimbal has zero offset? The optics and the Gimbal allow the pod to look at objects that are off boresight. The magnitude of the offset from the boresight can...
  3. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I tend to agree, and without 'proof' in any UAP case the argument becomes a battle between the possible , the probable, and likely explanations. In this case I think we're currently at the probable level, and until we find confirmation of a drone of the suggested type operating in the area I...
  4. flarkey

    Was Gimbal a drug plane?

    I dont think we have access to data on Flight Trackers back that far. And yes, the WB-57 is a US version, made by Martin, of the English Electric Canberra. Also, I'd hoped this page might provide some details of what the WB-57s did on that day but it only has info for the tail number #928...
  5. flarkey

    Was Gimbal a drug plane?

    Here's a thought.... We know that Gimbal was coincidentally filmed on the same day (21 January 2015) as an Atlas rocket launch from Kennedy Space Centre. Could the object in the video be one of the NASA WB-57 high altitude research aircraft that can be used to video the launch from the air...
  6. flarkey

    Debunking Humor...

    New t-shirt design....
  7. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    But we have zero evidence of any US Fire Depts, organisiations or individuals using this exact model. Until we can confirm that this drone, or a similarly shaped one, is being operated in California by a known organisation or individual this will have to remain a "UFO". :confused:
  8. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Yeah, quite a coincidence. Nothing conclusive yet, but worth investigating this line of thought.
  9. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Could we be looking at a delivery drone....? Details on the drone service... Admittedly , the Flytrex drones look different.... But the Pollo Loco restaurant is...
  10. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    This lamp and tree seen in the last video seems to correlate with the location that @deirdre found earlier... but looking in a more northerly direction. Link...
  11. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Hi Steven, the main questions would be - where exactly were you when you saw the object (Ocean Breeze Park?), and if possible can you identify exactly the direction you were looking and which trees are in the video? If you can mark up a screen shot of Google satellite imagery it would really help.
  12. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I had thought that the proximity of the Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton could have been a potential source for a UAS being flown without a NOTAM. However, this map confirms that the location that the UFO was seen is outside the R2503 Restricted Airspace.
  13. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    No current NOTAMS for UAS operations in the area, not sure yet how to check for expired notams
  14. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I've checked ADSBexchange and nothing came up. I'll try and check NOTAMs for the area.
  15. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    There's a Reddit thread.... Source:
  16. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Pics from the Twitter thread.... There have been some initial suggestions that this is a co-axial drone, or tethered balloons. Can we provide any evidence to support or counter these claims...
  17. flarkey

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    What did Steven Greenstreet see? Location: Laguna Niguel, California Date: 30 Jan 22 Time: 12.30 pm PST Source: Who is Steven Greenstreet?
  18. flarkey

    Fuel dump from one wing?

    Here's a screenshot from ADSB exchange of the F15s over Cannock at that time.
  19. flarkey

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    You're right. Two different models for two different purposes. (in fact, I only realised that Mick's model was available online after posting that)
  20. flarkey

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Yes, it might be better if the 'wireframe ball' in Mick's simulation moved, rather than the green & white dots. Maybe?