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  1. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Absolutely agree thatit was done to deter investigation. I think this was a condition of John Greenwald (Mr Black-Vault) being allowed to release it, so don't blame him.
  2. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Full high Res version of the video available here, but I'm not sure if this version includes the GPS data or is also redacted.
  3. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    @Easy Muffin - I think we need to confirm which Sensor is being used. There are plenty of technical details online... LMGTFY. To complicate the matter, the bar at the bottom left (barely visible) seems to show a variable the level of zoom from W(ide) to N(arrow).
  4. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    This is a FLIR SYSTEMS camera, and not one that I have ever used, although the data on the screen overlay is pretty standard between the various manufacturers. I don't know the exact model but it shouldn't be too hard to find the field of view from online sources.
  5. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    It's the apparent speed of the crosshairs moving across the background. The camera doesn't actually track the object or calculate it's speed at all.
  6. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    HDG top left is the aircraft heading. HDG top right is the bearing from aircraft to target.
  7. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Perfect. Thanks. Looks like the lines of sight converge on one point 31.515832°N -111.439852°E at an alt of 2524m
  8. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    This is correct. The co-ords at the top right indicate where the crosshairs are over the ground and they refresh every second or so. The camera just takes the distance between two sets of coords, which are taken one second apart and then does a simple speed = distance / time calculation.
  9. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    I've done this a few times, it is quite fun and not as hard as you'd think . the key thing is the lines of sight from the camera. if they all converge on one spot or in a line you can then be confident that the object isnt moving very much.
  10. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    @Mick West can you download and post the KML file for IRONS12 from flightradar24 ... ? if so, Thanks
  11. flarkey

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Thats a good question. When UFO people say a 'genuine UAP' (Unidentified Aerial Pheonomena) I think they generally mean "an object that appears in earth's atmosphere that is of unknown origin and uses unknown methods of lift and propulsion". And when they say unknown in that sentence I think it...
  12. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    I did consider the date-format paradox, and went back to the original video on YouTube which states it was posted on "Oct 9 2019." What source did you use to check this? On the historical weather sites I've looked at the weather conditions don't seem too different.
  13. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    I managed to get access to a Flightradar24 business account and upon checking the time of the video on their playback data we can see that there is indeed a high winged Cessna 182 taking off from the northerly runway at Panama airport at exactly that time [9 Oct 2019 10:31AM local (15.31 UTC)]...
  14. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    I've found a flightpath of a Cessna 182 taking off from the northerly runway at Panama City Allbrook Airport and the kml is downloadable from Flight Radar 24. Using Google Earth to set the view as the bridge we can see how it might have looked. It seems to fit. Does anyone have a Business...
  15. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    The other thing to note is that the line of sight is along the departure line of the main runway of Panama airport. Could we be seeing a high-winged aircraft such as a Cessna 150 taking off from behind.
  16. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    The video appears to have been taken from this bridge, which doesnt seem to have glass in the frames. So unlikely to be a reflection...
  17. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    Or perhaps the is observer and camera are moving, making any reflections also move relative to the background. I think the bigger hole in my hypothesis is how the 'object' appears to fade out of visibility as the video progresses. Would a blimp appear to do this? Not sure how a light would...
  18. flarkey

    Explained: Panama UFO "Disc" [Cessna Taking Off]

    The first part of the video seems to show that the video is recorded through a window - is the UFO actually a reflection of lights behind the observer?
  19. flarkey

    The Pentyrch UFO Encounter

    Just found these two videos debunking the Pentyrch non-event from 2 years ago. They pretty much follow the explanations in this thread. Source: Source:
  20. flarkey

    UFO over Bristol Channel captured by Police helicopter

    This old topic is getting a little more traction on Reddit in the last few days... Source: