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  1. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    I think this is true for the 'black octopus UFO' as she alludes to this in the text under the Instagram post. Not sure about the 'fast bright light ufo'. We have very little info about it.
  2. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    No real metric, it was the closest weather station I could find, and it was what the SCU used for their weather. However, post 1 of this thread also says this...............
  3. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    @deirdre I totally agree, and until we get the date and time that the video was recorded it is all speculation. However, we're not just guessing. We have a hypothesis that we are testing and trying to falsify. Nothing wrong with speculating until more data comes along.
  4. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    Hmm, I still think that the video shows a Falcon rocket and landing burn, however the location of the ship and the trajectory of the launch on 13 June seems off to me. I think it is too far away to be seen as it was 460 miles away.
  5. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    Found this pretty cool map of SpaceX launches and landing sites.,-76.39335675397734&z=9 Which gives the location of the landing as: 32.340303438240284 N -76.39335675397734 W
  6. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    I'd initially suggest 13 June 2020, as that is when the likely SpaceX launch was.
  7. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    This is the video of the launch and landing of Starlink 8 on 13 June 2020. Looking at the landing, (timecode 23m30s) the amount of daylight in the sky seems to fit what is seen the the Cruise Ship Video. Source: However..... the location of the...
  8. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    Seems to be known as CELEBRITY EDGE ok. And looking through other Instagram posts I think it sailed from Miami around the 10th June 2020 towards the Caribbean, so it seems to be in the right area, but can't confirm it yet.
  9. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    So the post on Instagram before the ufo video suggests they were in the Bahamas the day before....
  10. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    If it is a Falcon re entry then the rocket is heading back to Cape Kennedy, which means to the right in the video is West. The lighter sky seems to be to the left of the video, which would then be East, suggesting that this is at sunrise and a morning launch. 13th June launch was at 09.21 UTC...
  11. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    By looking at the pictures on 'her' Instagram account it is apparent that is a managed account. She's certainly not taking all the photos and posting them. There could have been a lag between taking this video and posting it.
  12. flarkey

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    This seems a bit more interesting - Is it a Falcon re-entry...?
  13. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    Windspeeds at ground level were recored as 4 kts = 4.60312 mph (albeit in San Juan, which is 100km away, but close enough). From page 86 of the SCU report...
  14. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    Yeah, I cant bring myself to watch this video as I think it would probably trigger me.
  15. flarkey

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    I think the possibility of a similar high-def picture taken at the same time and seen on Facebook was mentioned earlier on the Twitter thread, hence the "Thanks to @twilightbarnowl who found the high def photo". I don't think they are suggesting it's exactly the same photo.
  16. flarkey

    The Pentyrch UFO Encounter

    Its hotting in the Pentyrch UFO world, photos have been withdrawn as the first witness think they may be fake, and offers of a share of the royalties if the second witness releases their video. Somehow, it always comes down to money. :p
  17. flarkey

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    This has been debunked as the moon by our friend @ufoofinterest on twitter (although he initially thought it was an internal reflection of the streetlamp).. Source:
  18. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    Oh, I absolute agree it is a factor, and the turbulence is due to the movement of the air across different boundaries, eg wings, land, buildings and other air masses with different temperature or pressure. The point I was trying to make was that faster-moving air does not necessarily mean...