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  1. flarkey

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    One thing that hasn't quite been done yet is matching the strobe pattern to an exact aircraft type. I know @Mick West has looked at it and suggested it could be a 737 but not for certain. Can we characterise the lights in terms of exact frequency?
  2. flarkey

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    There seems to be some assumption that this was filmed on a cell phone. Could it have been filmed on a DSLR with a night vision attachment? Such as one of these....
  3. flarkey

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    Ive seen the Batman balloon listed as being 33in = 86cm, but exactly what dimension this relates to is unknown, (link) It would be interesting to do the calculations the other way around, ie, if we know the size of the Batman balloon, can we calculate the speed of the aircraft using the photos...
  4. flarkey

    Explained: UFO Filmed With Telescope [Loon Balloon]

    There's already an answer on Reddit suggesting Loon for this.... Source:
  5. flarkey

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    Some of the photo metadata is available here:
  6. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Its great that everyone has a camera in their pocket nowadays, but the problem is... so do the idiots. This vastly increases the number of people who are unable to identify objects, and also increases the number of people who are unable to use the cameras properly.
  7. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Well, if we're doing art-club..... With this image in mind And this one also from the Kumburgaz videos..... I have sketched this as the daytime scene... Converted it into night.... And used GIMP to add a simple lens distortion.... Not quire the same, but I hope it gets my idea across.
  8. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    I admit there's a few things to work out. Regarding the scanning frequencies of the camera v the monitor, yes I'd have expected a Rolling black bar, but then I saw this video. It shows that some monitors ie the lower ones show a rolling bar and a flicker but the top one doesn't. I'm wondering...
  9. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    In general, I tend to agree. It's absolutely a black and white image. Are you referring to the suggested blue halo? If so, that's a fair point. However, i wouldn't rule out the possibility of a colour monitor being used.
  10. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Hi @Z.W. Wolf I see your theory and it certainly is viable. However I'm still sticking with my 'wide angle security camera footage on a tv' theory for a while. Yalcin was a night watchman, a security guard, he would have access to such a tv screen. The best evidence for my theory this this...
  11. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Hey @Z.W. Wolf & @Mick West , I've been thinking about this over the weekend and your theory. I started to think what Yalcin could have used to do this, particularly as a Night Watchman or security guard. In my previous post I mentioned that I thought it could have been reflection off a convex...
  12. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Reading through the thread it seems as though a few people had suggested that the close-up I the UFO was actually the reflection of a smaller object. I've been thinking it could be a reflection, but off a curved surface. ... To me, this looks like someone's driveway and fence when viewed on a...
  13. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Did you get anywhere with this idea? It seems plausible on the surface but there are times in the video that the "UFO" appears to move within the field of view, but at other times it seems to move with the other objects in the scene. I'd have expected an internal reflection to mirror any...
  14. flarkey

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    Hi, I've been researching this UFO event and came across this old thread. Did it ever occur to you guys that the image of the UFO looked like an arc which, when repeated to make 360° looks very like the interface of a 58mm telephoto adapter. The guy that filmed the event used a similar device.
  15. flarkey

    Claim: 1990 Calvine UFO

    As a bit of a plane-geek.....I do find it unusual that a Harrier (ground attack aircraft) would be used to intercept a UFO. Its also strange that a Harrier would be scrambled to one in Scotland. Harriers were not based there in 1990 - however Tornados and Phantoms were based at RAF Leuchars (50...
  16. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    this is the best i can do with the SCU's flight path. The kml also includes their radar data, and overlay of their timings at each location. Taking the speed data from this will also give more points of reference. kml link
  17. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    I think the problem we'll find here is that the the range to the object and the object's size are the two unknown variables in this. And the number of pixels that the object appears as is dependent upon (guess what!?!) the objects range and size. The SCU got over this problem as they knew the...
  18. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    Hey, so I tried to model the Aguadilla event myself in Google Earth and came up with some consistent results. The fields of view support a linear path for the object. I've tried to write my method up in a format loosley based on a scientific paper, and have saved the GE kml file for everyone...
  19. flarkey

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    The triangulation data was actually posted on youtube by John Nagle, and it supports the theory that the objects are slow moving and over land - as shown by the yellow dot in the animation.