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  1. R

    UFOs Hovering Over AIR FORCE ONE At LAX Airport

    If I'm following correctly this discussion, according to Mick West's current analysis stage it would possibly be a small drone (which would not be a good idea over LAX). According to you, maybe it's a spy/weather balloon. But just out of curiosity, in case it's just a weather balloon (not a spy...
  2. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    To me there's nothing else to be discussed about this any more, so sorry. Unfortunately there's a clear trend on this forum to assume people's opposing opinions as claims. I'm definitely moving on, have a happy holidays.
  3. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    You guys are fast to jump to conclusions based on assumptions aren't you? I'm not claiming there's enough evidence on all the unsolved cases that merit further investigation, not at all. But sorry, even for those with insufficient data that's not a good excuse to throw them in the recycle bin...
  4. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    Yes of course, no doubt to me that there may a fair amount of these cases though where your point is appliable.
  5. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    Let me get this straight please, are you implying that unsolved UFO cases might make me believe that UFOs are real? FWIW, I'm not the one who tried to imply that I believe in Alien visit. Funny your logic then, because any reasonable mindset realise UFOs and Aliens doesn't mean the same thing at...
  6. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    More than once on this forum I had to ask some of you gentlemen, and am asking again not to put words in my mouth. Thank you!
  7. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    Are you kidding? Sorry, don't really know about you, but I don't need to be a UFO researcher to realise there's PLENTY of stuff endlessly discussed albeit still "lacking better data". You don't even need to go as far as researching those huge databases, you can find in this same forum some of...
  8. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    Just out of curiosity, may I ask you what did you mean as "anything"? Just asking, you know many UFO researchers nowadays suspect there's something more to it that is not yet either analised (for lack of better data) or understood by the scientific community. As an example, apart from...
  9. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    I really don't have a clue, because the drawing lines were continuous, exactly like using a colour pencil. Lo and behold, the flower for example was bicoloured: The petals in red and the stem with its leaves in green. And they were so far high in the sky that only with binoculars one could tell...
  10. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    Good points! I'm not sure though that the UFO subject discussion can go any further without some hard evidence to back it up, I see all this discussion as kind of like beating a dead horse.
  11. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    No, what I said is not about pressure, I was pointing out about how meaningless most of the acnedotal UFO reports can be, but I see I wasn't clear. Don't know what you're saying on your last sentence about "keeping looking up".
  12. R

    UFOs Hovering Over AIR FORCE ONE At LAX Airport

    Thanks. No I thought it might rather be a metallic drone or something like that. But yea a bird might sound more reasonable to me. It's amazing how just anything like that can cause so much buzz about it on the web, mind you :rolleyes:.
  13. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    I deem my experience as impossible to be discussed that way alas. It happened in 2003 and didn't last documented in my county's website for more than five years or so, IIRC. Sorry but I don't feel comfortable making anecdotal accounts of the event that I witnessed. The only part of it though...
  14. R

    UFOs Hovering Over AIR FORCE ONE At LAX Airport

    ^Has it indeed been already discussed here?
  15. R

    UFOs Hovering Over AIR FORCE ONE At LAX Airport

    On three separate timestamps a live stream by LA Flights YT Channel captured on camera UFOs hovering over President Joe Biden's Air Force One as it taxied to a private gate at LAX Airport on December 10, 2023. Here is the mentioned video: Timestamps 2:24:00, 2:27:00 and 3:14:30.
  16. R

    What is your "red line" that would make you unambiguously and sincerely say with full belief, "Aliens are real and are or have been on Earth"?

    About the scale you presented here, I'm not ashamed at all to tell you that I'm in the 100 range since about twenty years ago now. What differs me from many others is an extremely anomalous series of UFO events that I witnessed that was officially corroborated on my county's website. Besides the...
  17. R

    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    Again, that's what I thought since no "settling" proof had come about either way.
  18. R

    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    And I thought the debate over what occurred there was far from settled, mind you.
  19. R

    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    Possibly true, but then he would have had that access for only a couple of years (1950 to 1952), right? I couldn't find a clear confirmation of what was referred to there as "this new source of power", but I guess we can safely assume it would be "geo-magnetic energy", right?