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  1. R

    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    Yea I understand your concern, newcomers will see this thread and its title as created by you.
  2. R

    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    Same here. But to me anyway this story deserves more research. The following excerpt is particularly interesting: Content from External Source source:
  3. R

    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    Thank you! Will read it with the due attention ASAP.
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    Wilbert B Smith, Project Magnet, and his Claims of UFO Debris

    Didn't find a biography of that Mr. Wilbert Smith on the web, I'd appreciate if someone find and share more information about him in order to double-check what I heard about him on the Black Vault's six minute video released tonight, where John interviews there Mr. Chris Rutkowski and they get...
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    Larry Maguire (MP) letter to Canadian Defense Minister on UAP recovery program

    I think I'll just wait to know what Christopher Mellon has to say about that letter. Given his substantial resume people likely still give him status as a credible, disinterested source. But, has not he been advocating for the UFO disclosure for a goog while now and therefore being prone to...
  6. R

    Misleading: Josh Hawley on UFO and David Grusch

    Thanks for all your advices, sure I'll bear them in mind whatever I come to post here again. Have a nice day you all.
  7. R

    Misleading: Josh Hawley on UFO and David Grusch

    No, I expressed my opinion based on what I heard and read, but will refrain from stepping further into that terrain lest this new thread is also misled, the spoiler alert was already given by @Itsme. If you want to further discuss it then please PM me.
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    Misleading: Josh Hawley on UFO and David Grusch

    Exactly , very well said. Ans it's what I was just a bit beffudled at when reading the article, it immediately reminded me that during most of the last century the UFO subject was dismissed as a nonsense created by loons from the far left liberals. And today it seems there's again this weird...
  9. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    You're just obviating my questioning about what you posted previously.
  10. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    I guess nobody here would assume such a thing. But it surprises me if you're assuming that AGI probes/crafts are never prone to any sort of defect, regardlessly of how far developed they might be.
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    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Note that ump edited his post two minutes after your observation.
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    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    It's interesting to see how this and the other thread about metamaterials have been almost completely derailed as of late ... oh well
  13. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Agreed. On another note, just out of curiosity, do you have some knowledge about the level of David Schindele's involvement with ufology, if any? You know, he's a retired U.S. Air Force captain involved in an alleged UFO incident at a missile launch control center in the Minot missile field in...
  14. R

    Meta Materials From UFOs

    Then that story of those allegedly "magical" properties as such described by that military official about the debris he supposedly found in Roswell was long definitely debunked and I didn't know, mind you...! Thank you for clarifying.
  15. R

    Meta Materials From UFOs

    But please, don't put words in my mouth ok? I just referred to that last breakthrough as an interesting highlight to the intelligent materials subject.
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    Meta Materials From UFOs

    The most famous account was by that official who allegedly collected the debris, he told the material always returned to its original form no matter what he did to it with his hands. Don't have the time right now for a link, but guess it's fairly easy to find it on the web.
  17. R

    Meta Materials From UFOs

    Right on , and seemingly people now loosely use the term "metamaterial" to refer to the intelligent materials being developed today. BTW, all that debate raised again by that such David Grusch about reverse engineering non-human crafts being an old practice within intelligence agencies'...
  18. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    I'm surprised this case still draws discussion, I thought discussing this case was like beating a dead horse. I followed the whole detailed breakdown on it done by John Greenewald Jr. where he gets to a "nothing burger" conclusion about it (in other words no evidence offered as proof to back it up).
  19. R

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    Glad to hear you also watch Dr. John Michael Godier, he's been doing some very interesting interviews as well as offering some very good insights.