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  1. R

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Completely agreed.
  2. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Interestingly, there's always good selling books about this subject matter.
  3. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    II think Leslie Kean has already publicly admitted that we have to wait for definitive proof, but I only wonder how long.
  4. R

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Excuse me but I'd like to know what is going to happen to the "whistleblowers" coming forward on this case, because I can't get my head around the allegation that they'll not face any criminal suit if their claims turn out to be untrue. I just heard author Michael Schellenberger coming forward...
  5. R

    Explained: Chilean Navy "UFO" video - Aerodynamic Contrails, Flight IB6830

    The answer to your question is given in detail by those nine .pdf files available for download on John Greenewald's web site, like Marcelo Neira's Form, to name only one. They're all in the Spanish language though, but anyway even a Google translation suffices to clarify any doubt for that matter.
  6. R

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    AFAIK, it was reserved for that often addressed classified briefing/hearing, during May's public UFO hearing.
  7. R

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Judging by what I could glance at the first reading of this thread's page, he was not the one who's comparing apples and oranges. Just out of curiosity, would you or someone else please address any of such claims in case they were already stated on this thread?
  8. R

    The Varginha UFO

    I could find only an excerpt of the interview we referred to, but anyway it contains the main highlights of what concerns Pacaccini's statements about the releasing of those two footages, and it has subtitles in English. The highlights are in the timestamp that ranges from 1:41 up to the end of...
  9. R

    The Varginha UFO

    Good question. I think not even the Ufologists are unanimous about the right answer to it. And, in fact, FYI I never belonged in any of the UFO communities nor ever participated in any of them.
  10. R

    The Varginha UFO

    Right on, that was the interview. Now that you mentioned it, I'll try to find it out on YouTube, in order to post it here.
  11. R

    The Varginha UFO

    This story is nothing new to almost everyone here in my country (Brasil), it's just because of James Fox's "Moment of Contact" premiere that it regained traction. And also because now a video footage & photos were added to sound like a groundbreaking new episode to this almost two decades old...
  12. R

    NASA UAP FOIA Black Vault release and Mick West

    I just can't help but wonder, was he referring to changing the academic attitude on the phenomenon by means of their referred program content discussed on that presentation session about UAPs? Ravi, I am cc'ing Lisa from AIM to address the media concerns. Please see the email chain below...
  13. R

    NASA UAP FOIA Black Vault release and Mick West

    Ravi Kumar Kopparappu is a planetary scientist at NASA who is studying the potential habitability of Earth-like planets. He is currently co-chairing the AIAA’s Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Community of Interest project, joined by Ryan Graves, a former Navy fighter pilot and defense...
  14. R

    NASA UAP FOIA Black Vault release and Mick West

    Ah okay then. The Logo on the upper left corner just induced me to think I could find it on Lehto Files YouTube channel, but I see that I really can't find it there. Anyway I realise now there's an excerpt of Lehto's video inserted on this West's video.
  15. R

    NASA UAP FOIA Black Vault release and Mick West

    I beg your pardon, but would you please provide the correct YouTube link for that video from Lehto's YouTube Channel you posted above? Because I just couldn't find it there, instead I get this other one below. Thanks! Source:
  16. R

    Szydagis' point 3: Interstellar travel is too hard

    Fascinating. I wonder though how that undoubtedly interesting theory dealt with the reality experimentally proved by the Nobel Prize winners Alan Aspect, John Clauser y Anton Zeilinger that the classic laws of Standard Physics present clear flaws when it comes to determine the full way Nature...
  17. R

    Szydagis' point 3: Interstellar travel is too hard

    I didn't know what hypothesis you're addressing neither what's precisely the property of the self-creation you referred to nor how it's supposed to function, but talking strictly in scientific terms there has already been found evidence for the Schwinger Effect in graphene (in a nutshell, create...
  18. R

    Szydagis' point 3: Interstellar travel is too hard

    Sorry folks, but can I make a side note on here? Very good point often overlooked when it comes to fund highly risky scientific projects like the search for probes/drones/whatever from other civilizations in outer space. Yet this brings to mind the surprisingly never criticised billions of...
  19. R

    NIM-A's new logo

    Sorry that I just can't help but wonder, but just out of curiosity, could it be that the perpetrator of that joke is a UFO enthusiast from the NIM-Aviation office? As for that russian aircraft silhouette, the office may be undergoing some really troubling staff frictions and divisions?
  20. R

    NIM-A's new logo

    Definitely, I guess FOIA nerds like Mr. John Greenewald Jr. already filed his request. But, with luck he'll have to wait at least a couple years for their response, alas.