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  1. Trailblazer

    Dark irregular shaped object drifting in the sky [Castle Mylar Party Balloon]

    There’s three weeks between the sightings, though, if the dates are accurate. Helium balloons don’t stay inflated for that long.
  2. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Fake photos-Novichok attack Russian 'agents' (side by side gates)

    I don't think the labels "CCTV1" and "CCTV2" necessarily indicate that they are different cameras. They are just handy identifiers given to the images: first CCTV image, second CCTV image, and so on (the photos in Salisbury station and town centre are labelled CCTV3, CCTV4 and so on). But yes...
  3. Trailblazer

    Multiple UFOs Fly Across Moon- Birds?

    From that star chart I posted earlier (Link here but you need to set the time and date to the right values) the moon's altitude was about 29 degrees above the horizon.
  4. Trailblazer

    Multiple UFOs Fly Across Moon- Birds?

    The moon takes about 2 min 20 sec to move its own diameter across the sky, so yes, the video is in real time. (Leading edge of the moon appears at about 0:36, and trailing edge at 2:56) (The Earth's rotation, 360 degrees in 24 hours, makes the background stars appear to move 15 degrees per...
  5. Trailblazer

    Multiple UFOs Fly Across Moon- Birds?

    According to the page linked in the OP, the video was shot in Rome, Italy, on July 29. In my completely unprofessional opinion, it looks like a mass release of balloons drifting in the wind. The moon was just east of south in the sky, so the objects were heading roughly southwards. The...
  6. Trailblazer

    Multiple UFOs Fly Across Moon- Birds?

    I don't think dust particles would be in focus in this type of shot. A telephoto lens wouldn't have the necessary depth of field.
  7. Trailblazer

    Truman: "“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by ..."

    This is veering off-topic, but what "moon hoax" would he have been referring to in 1947? Nowadays that term usually means the idea that the manned moon landings were faked.
  8. Trailblazer

    Dark irregular shaped object drifting in the sky [Castle Mylar Party Balloon]

    Wow, that's a pretty uncanny match. The flags on the turrets even explains the strange "bug-foot-like" bit on the end of the "leg", and the string/tie is in the right place.The other turret would be hidden against the rest of the balloon - in fact there might even be a suggestion of it visible...
  9. Trailblazer

    Dark irregular shaped object drifting in the sky [Castle Mylar Party Balloon]

    I'm not sure that's right. If the camera is exposing for the clouds then a darker opaque object will appear almost black. I've taken photos of mylar balloons against cloudy skies and they appeared almost black.
  10. Trailblazer

    Curved Aircraft Window Distortion

    Surely it would be much better to compare the aircraft wing, or engine, in photos taken both through the window and outside the window. Big straight lines (and circles) that are much easier to see than stars.
  11. Trailblazer

    Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    This post illustrates a common misconception about curvature. Everything curves, including the datum (baseline) from which we measure heights and depths. The surface of the sea (of which Lake Pontchartrain is a part, despite the name) is at sea level, which is a curve, and the depth is measured...
  12. Trailblazer

    What You Can do to Help Promote Escaping the Rabbit Hole

    Having read a proof copy of ETRH (thanks Mick!) I can confirm that it is a very interesting and useful read. Highly recommended.
  13. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    There are a few videos of these "fast-moving UFOs" having apparent near misses with drones out there. I wonder if they are all caused by the same phenomenon. Example: Source: And another: Source:
  14. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    Looking at the closer streak, in that close-up it seems to be not two separate white objects, but a single object with a dark/black centre and white either side. That could fit with the bird idea. The other birds visible in the foreground appear to be black and white (although if they are...
  15. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    Could the "flapping" possibly be caused by an irregularly shaped projectile spinning rapidly? It seems to me that it could, but I agree they are more likely just artifacts.
  16. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    That seems to make more sense if it was something launched from the spit, as the steeper upward part of the trajectory would have occurred before the start of the video, so the part we see is flatter. I wonder if there's a reason why the video uploader didn't include a few seconds more at the...
  17. Trailblazer

    Dark irregular shaped object drifting in the sky [Castle Mylar Party Balloon]

    There seems to be the suggestion of a string here: As for the "dot" underneath in one image, I think it is just a coincidental bug or something. It looks to be in much sharper focus than the UFO, so I don't think it is close to it spatially. An object that small would be virtually invisible...
  18. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    It doesn't look as if there's enough "up and down" movement to be a ballistic flight from that nearby spit of land, but that could be an illusion due to perspective I suppose? Edit: I see what you mean, if you take into account where the mid-point is, then it makes more sense.
  19. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    Yes, my eye was drawn to them first of all so I totally missed the "UFO". I think they are pelicans. Source:
  20. Trailblazer

    New strange drone footage - small white objects moving fast

    If you have the full resolution video, can you overlay it frame by frame to show the track of the objects? The forward motion of the drone will complicate that, of course, but the distant shorelines don't move much.