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  1. Trailblazer

    Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

    I'm pretty sure that's not how gravity works.
  2. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    I don't claim that there are "uniformly falling floor plungers", that's your idea. The floors don't have to be falling uniformly (and we can see they're not) Nor do they have to form a perfect seal like a plunger in order to blast air out the sides. You wouldn't even need walls to seal around at...
  3. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    Concrete breaks, rebar bends. A collapsing floor can be in one piece (attached by the rebar) without falling straight and level. Or it could break into pieces if the rebar breaks, or if the floors were built in sections. We don't know how the floors were falling, but we can see that it wasn't a...
  4. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    Absolutely. Can you imagine that not happening? It seems incredible to me to suggest that you could drop the floor of a building onto the floor below and not blow out the windows. Rebar bends. A reinforced floor doesn't have to fall in one perfectly straight horizontal piece. In fact it would...
  5. Trailblazer

    The Illusion of a "Wall of Water" at the Horizon

    The sea-level horizon is always below the astronomical horizon, yes. And of course, if you define eye level as the horizon then the horizon will always be at eye level. But the higher you get, the more you will have to look down (relative to the astronomical horizon) for your eyeline to be at...
  6. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    Watch again, paying attention to the timing of the collpase from different angles. The puffs from the windows are clearly after the roof has started falling downwards, indicating that the internal collapse has begun. The angle from 1:41 is the clearest at showing this. I don't know, maybe a...
  7. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    Even the most cursory watch of the video shows that the floors didn't fall straight down in one piece, one by one, as you seem to imagine. It's so asymmetrical that the whole thing eventually topples over at an angle: Can you really not see how pieces of floors falling at different...
  8. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    Why on earth would you expect a building collapsing to do so perfectly uniformly and symmetrically? I would have thought that a perfect sequence of explosions would be the hallmark of a controlled demolition, not a chaotic collapse due to fire. My question to them would be why, if this was a...
  9. Trailblazer

    The Illusion of a "Wall of Water" at the Horizon

    That doesn't follow. The height of the horizon above the straight line to the base of the object doesn't increase linearly with the distance to the horizon, because the sea surface is a curve.
  10. Trailblazer

    The Illusion of a "Wall of Water" at the Horizon

    Well, I would say that when you are standing at the sea looking out to the horizon, your eye naturally rests on the horizon, so your "eye level" is actually the "true horizon" direction on your diagram. If you are looking towards an object that is obscured by the horizon, then your brain might...
  11. Trailblazer

    The Illusion of a "Wall of Water" at the Horizon

    Just the visual impression - it looks like you are looking over a hill. I also agree that having visible waves helps, as the decreasing size of the waves into the distance helps to add a sense of depth and "three-dimensionality" to the sea. For this reason the best photos to show the effect are...
  12. Trailblazer

    The Illusion of a "Wall of Water" at the Horizon

    I still think it looks like a hump of water. The effect seems to be more pronounced in videos than in still photos, though.
  13. Trailblazer

    Debunked: The WTC 9/11 Angle Cut Column. [Not Thermite, Cut Later]

    So presumably this partially hidden column: is the one actually being removed here? It looks as if the cut on that column was lower than on the angle-cut one we are talking about, which fits the positioning. That one seems to have been cut more straight across, though.
  14. Trailblazer

    The Illusion of a "Wall of Water" at the Horizon

    Well, kind of. It depends on how you're defining "higher". We measure altitude relative to sea level, so in that sense the sea isn't higher than where he's standing. But if you draw a line from his eye to the base of the lighthouse, then yes, the sea is higher than that line. It's not exactly...
  15. Trailblazer

    Apollo 12 photo analysis shows Sun as bulb [claim]

    1) It can't, of course. People not familiar with image analysis often ascribe near magical properties to Photoshop. All that Photoshop can do is look at the properties of the digital image, which is a scan of the photographic film positive taken by the original camera. There's no hidden...
  16. Trailblazer

    Debunked: The WTC 9/11 Angle Cut Column. [Not Thermite, Cut Later]

    Yes, the bent bit of crossbeam at the upper right is the giveaway, and the fact that it still seems to be attached (or nearly so) at the base). It doesn't make any difference to the debunking, though, as the "before" image shows that it was attached to the column in question by the crossbeam...
  17. Trailblazer

    Debunked: The WTC 9/11 Angle Cut Column. [Not Thermite, Cut Later]

    Isn't that (the column falling to the ground) actually the column immediately to the right of the famous one? Not that it makes any difference as they were clearly still joined together shortly beforehand!
  18. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    What does that prove? Unless the building fell absolutely symmetrically then the pressure build-up would not be the same on all four faces.
  19. Trailblazer

    AE911 Truth Forced to Claim Plasco Collapse is an Inside Job

    Explained in the very first post of this thread. In the 9/11 controlled demolition mythology, a core piece of "evidence" has been "squibs" - small ejections of debris that occurred several floors below the collapse of the exterior. The cause of these has long been obvious - the interior...
  20. Trailblazer

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Quite a famous one, just sneaking in before 1995: the cover of the Oasis single Whatever, released in December 1994: The photograph was taken in Derbyshire by Michael Spencer Jones: The original plan was to shoot the sleeve in the vast open spaces of the Arizona desert. Noel had wanted a...