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  1. Trailblazer

    Rare. Polar Stratospheric Clouds over UK

    AFAIK nacreous clouds only really show up when the sun is below the horizon. So maybe there were some normal iridescent clouds around too?
  2. Trailblazer

    Rare. Polar Stratospheric Clouds over UK

    Incidentally the potential for this display was flagged up several days ago on a weather forum I read:
  3. Trailblazer

    Debunked: AnonSec's NASA Hack, Global Hawk Hijack, Evidence of Chemtrails [Public Domain Data]

    I don't see anything new, this was doing the rounds ages ago. Basically they seem to think that NASA missions to study atmospheric aerosols = proof of chemtrails. The word "aerosol" seems to make people go funny...
  4. Trailblazer

    Rare. Polar Stratospheric Clouds over UK

    I was just about to post a thread about this. Unfortunately it was overcast here last night so I didn't get to see them, but the conditions may be suitable for a few days yet.
  5. Trailblazer

    Formation and Evolution of a Contrail Grid - Satellite Time-Lapse Video

    This is also quite a nice example of how a change in conditions causes contrails to become visible ahead of cirrus cloud arriving. It's an overnight timelapse. Notice how the sky is crystal clear until about 0:32, despite numerous aircraft crossing. Then suddenly the contrails start to persist...
  6. Trailblazer

    GMO Mosquitoes Spreading Zika Virus

    One of my friends works for Oxitec. I'll have to show her this :)
  7. Trailblazer

    Ice experiments: Orgonite vs. No orgonite

    No surprise, they don't like the cold. Do you have a portable USB battery charger you could put in the freezer with the phone, so it's constantly charging?
  8. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Orgone Ice Stalagmites and Spikes

    I first heard about these spikes in the "Last Word" column in New Scientist magazine, when someone asked about why spikes formed in the frozen water in their birdbath. There's a whole gallery of images on...
  9. Trailblazer

    Giant Snowflakes [Rimed Dendrites]

    Pic of my ski jacket cuff. They'd melted/broken a little but you can see they were proper stars. Not as big, obviously, but I also saw plenty of the "fat" stars like the OP pic.
  10. Trailblazer

    Giant Snowflakes [Rimed Dendrites]

    I can't believe people don't know snowflakes are ornate six-sided stars. Haven't they ever seen the Frozen movie poster? ;) Seriously though, I often see snow crystals like this on my jacket and gloves while skiing, when it's very cold. Here in the UK what little snow we get tends to be the wet...
  11. Trailblazer

    Towed #MH370 Search Sonar Vehicle lost

    I assume it wasn't looking forwards. It's the equivalent of walking into a lamp post while looking at the ground for a dropped ring. :)
  12. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Formation flying :) Actually three miles apart, according to FR24 (compass was a bit off).
  13. Trailblazer

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    Nice altocumulus this morning, with a distrail on the left: And this was strange, almost like the contrail formed an arrowhead into the cloud. I didn't see the plane but maybe it was heading left to right and "pulled" some cloud out with it? Panorama for context:
  14. Trailblazer

    Formation and Evolution of a Contrail Grid - Satellite Time-Lapse Video

    The Himawari satellite view is excellent, it's a shame it doesn't cover this hemisphere. The next generation GOES geostationary satellites are due to be launched this year but I'm not sure whether they will provide this level of imagery.
  15. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    Here (at right) is a plane flying towards its own contrail. I noticed the curved trail in the distance just before sunset and saw that it was BA94 making a turn over south Wales. The trail ended as it descended through about 29,000 feet. 25 minutes later the same flight had passed...
  16. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    Edit: I was actually looking at a different Keith-bashing post, on another group. Try this link:{"tn":"R8"}
  17. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    Someone on that thread mentioned that David Keith's son posted a comment on their Facebook page after they shared something derogatory about him. They said they were trying to engage him in conversation. Sorry no screenshot... Edit: I was actually looking at a different thread, also demonising...
  18. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    I saw an extremely thick and persistent trail from a plane heading east as I was going to work, while two planes crossing just to the right of the trail were only leaving very short trails. I was on my bike and running late so unfortunately couldn't stop take a photo but it was quite a striking...
  19. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    I wouldn't have thought that was the case either! Apparently the runway is 6,447ft long. Looks like at sea level on a dry runway it's just about long enough for the max landing weight of a 747-400. If they nail the landing! Looks like the jumbos are maintained at CBG...
  20. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    First proper spreading contrails I've seen for quite some time this morning. So far this winter it's been either total overcast (most of the time) or deep blue sky and cumulus (rarely). Shortly after sunrise, looking towards London through the chilli plant... also spot the plane on approach to...