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  1. Trailblazer

    Sandy Hook mom "Debunks" Hoaxers <3

    No. I suggest you read that post again. There is ample supporting evidence. Do you scrutinise each of your friends' holiday photos for signs of Photoshopping to ascertain whether they really went to Hawaii, or do you accept that that isn't necessary, owing to the fact they had an airline ticket...
  2. Trailblazer

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    One from Flickr taken circa 1953: And 1974:
  3. Trailblazer

    Squiggly Sinusoidal Thin Contrails over Europe

    In the past few minutes I watched an A380, Air France flight 6 (Paris to JFK), passing to the south of London at 38,000 feet, and the contrails separated out into two very squiggly lines that later starting to resemble these ones (ie one disappeared before the other). Contrails aren't persisting...
  4. Trailblazer

    Racetrack contrails near Genoa, Italy on December 26 [Air France and EasyJet flights on hold, Fog]

    Can Harry really not tell the difference between a pylon and a transmitter tower?? BTW I don't think the times can be correct for both the photos in the OP. They seem to show the same contrail loops, but the second one has around four more circuits, and the straight contrail adjacent to them...
  5. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Furious American Citizens In San Bernardino Burn Down Radical Islamic Mosque

    The lines are increasingly being blurred between satire and news, as the quote from Caitlin Dewey above illustrates. Some sites that were previously "satire" are finding that they are more successful if they get shared as serious news. So rather than inventing out-and-out fake stories, they take...
  6. Trailblazer

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    A symptom of the fact that, to a chemtrail believer, any vaguely linear cloud is "fake" nowadays. They seem to think that the only clouds that ever existed "before" were round, puffy cumulus floating in deep blue skies. I tend to look at the skies a lot now in old films and TV shows, and it's...
  7. Trailblazer

    The art of "turning around" an airliner

    FTFY ;) Seriously though, it's just another layer in the impossibility of the "using commercial airliners for geoengineering" that people like Ian Simpson and Max Bliss claim is going on.
  8. Trailblazer

    Bunk you are willing to live with?

    If you were actually taking real ginger (or something containing real ginger) then it wasn't homeopathic. There's often confusion between "herbal" and "homeopathic" medicines. Herbal medicines contain real plants or plant extracts, many of which have biologically active ingredients - many drugs...
  9. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    Message from the uploader of the Stockholm video: it looks like @Trailspotter was spot on with the location: I took a look at the forum you mentioned and those guys seem very helpful as well. I've put together some information (in the form of images) regarding the area where the sighting took...
  10. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    I left a message on the video comments with a link to this thread. The video uploader "kootallica" has been helpful with providing further info.
  11. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    This is the 300mb wind chart for the approximate time in question (actually 90 minutes before). Stockholm was on the edge of a quite strong northwesterly jet streak at 300mb. Would it be possible to simulate the angle produced by the trail being blown southeast at, say, 100km/h and overlay...
  12. Trailblazer

    Sinusoidal Thin Contrails Explained [Meandering Solitary Hybrid Contrails; the 'Rook' Instability]

    Could the fact that it is a busy path be significant? A380s are big aircraft and must produce a lot of vortex turbulence. Perhaps the timing just happened to be right for the contrail from one aircraft to get caught up in the turbulence from a preceding one?
  13. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    The video uploader states that the camera clock is correct, and this was the location (small red X just above the o of "Stockholm"). I am having trouble matching that rather vague location up to the foreground spires though.
  14. Trailblazer

    Investigating: Rain on Request

    The address (610 SW 34th St) is on Fort Lauderdale airport. There seem to be lots of aircraft services companies based there, as you'd expect. David Gitman, who seems to be the only employee of Rain on Request, is also a manager of Monarch Air Group, a leasing/charter firm based in the...
  15. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    Yes I think that is more likely. From taking similar photos myself, I think this was a few minutes after sunset - the contrast between sunlit contrail and darker surroundings only becomes that vivid once the sun has set (or at least sunk below the visible horizon, which can of course occur...
  16. Trailblazer

    Unusual contrail in Australia

    Another interesting sunset contrail. Any thoughts what might give it this appearance? It almost looks like mammatus! This trail was apparently photographed around sunset on December 16 in Queensland. Sunset was at 18:40...
  17. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    This appears to be the original version of the video: The uploader says it was shot around 14:36 (13:36UTC). So probably not DY1073. This Air France flight is another possibility: Or could it even have been filmed facing away from the sunset? There is a red glow on the horizon but it...
  18. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    Assuming it was shot in the evening: sunset on the day in question was at 2.47pm in Stockholm, which is 1.47pm UTC, and was on a bearing of 222 degrees (roughly SW). The trail seems to be lit from behind, implying the sun is off to the left of the flight path, but I'm not sure if the bright...
  19. Trailblazer

    "Fireball" filmed in Stockholm [Sunlit Contrail]

    Seen on Facebook: Here is the video: No detail of the time, but it looks like close to sunset or sunrise.
  20. Trailblazer

    Dane Wigington - Inaccuracies and Omissions

    Thanks for the mammoth transcription job, @Dan Page! Looks like Dane quoted a laundry list of just about every piece of his "evidence" there.