Search results

  1. Trailblazer

    Claim: Steorn's Orbo "Free" Energy Device. USB Charger

    Yes, presumably these things do actually deliver power, at least for a while. Hopefully someone will buy one and do a tear-down and see what is inside. I also wondered about the wi-fi harvesting angle. don't know what kind of energy harvesting is possible from wi-fi/radio wave scavenging these...
  2. Trailblazer

    Claim: Steorn's Orbo "Free" Energy Device. USB Charger

    I have been kind of following Steorn since I first heard of them almost 10 years ago. (They placed an advert in a UK magazine in 2006, IIRC, announcing that they had developed free energy.) Since then their claims have steadily shifted and got less ambitious, from having free-energy generators...
  3. Trailblazer

    [Hoax Intercept] UFO's in cornfield in Krakow, Poland

    I'm also interested in the "UFO buzzes airliner" segment. I assume it is an ordinary aircraft, leaving a contrail, with the sun reflecting off the aircraft itself, although it seems to stay very bright over a very wide angle.
  4. Trailblazer

    Former top NATO Italian General Fabio Mini

    Commerical jets also leave a lovely (non-toxic) vapor trail when the heat from the turbines come in contact with the cool air condencing the water droplets into steam This almost totally backwards explanation of contrails is the same version given by Dane's "expert" at his recent big talk in...
  5. Trailblazer

    Small Green Anomaly with Blue Trail (Night Sky Photography) [Lens Flare/Reflection]

    I would say this is almost certainly lens flare. For something to appear this big and bright in a full-frame photo, it would surely be noticeable with the naked eye, even if not by you then by plenty of other astronomers. The shape looks perfect for lens flare, and its axis appears to pass...
  6. Trailblazer

    George Monbiot in the Guardian on "Chemtrails" &

    You'd still get aerodynamic contrails, wouldn't you? Both from the wing surfaces and from the engines, if they had rotating blades. Russ Tanner at the age of 95: "Battery-powered electric engines can't create contrails!!!" :)
  7. Trailblazer

    George Monbiot in the Guardian on "Chemtrails" &

    "2 to 14 percent" is a pretty huge margin of error in anyone's book!
  8. Trailblazer

    Dane Wigington - Inaccuracies and Omissions

    I wondered the same thing, but the consensus seems to be that he is a "true believer" and is actually losing money on the deal, as it has taken over his life to such a degree. I'm sure @Van Wigington would have an idea whether that is the case, but I quite understand if he would rather not comment.
  9. Trailblazer

    Is Belief in "Chemtrails" Growing?

    Surely the more plausible explanation is that Google lumps in searches for "mayo" with "mayonnaise", not that people are actually searching for mayonnaise. Have you noticed how when you search for a word, Google often throws in related words bolded up in the results as if you had searched for...
  10. Trailblazer

    George Monbiot in the Guardian on "Chemtrails" &

    Yes, I have seen several of Ian's slogans near my office in central London (including the one pictured above). Ian also posted a couple of examples that miraculously appeared during his visit in Brighton (in matching handwriting, too!) Whoever...
  11. Trailblazer

    Another photoshopped chemtrail poster: Michael J Murphy

    Michael J Murphy's "Coalition Against Geoengineering" is spreading this image around: It's Photoshopped. The original photograph, showing a decidedly natural-looking sky, is by Earl Wilkerson: Notice how the grass in...
  12. Trailblazer

    San Bernardino - false flag accusations start within minutes....

    Clearly, from the above screen capture, NaturalNews was behind this operation, and mistakenly posted about it before it had even happened!
  13. Trailblazer

    Chemtrail Believers' predictions of "years left" before disaster

    Out of interest I did the following search: "years left" Plenty of the commenters there should soon be realising they were wrong. It won't happen, of course.
  14. Trailblazer

    Is Belief in "Chemtrails" Growing?

    It can feel like that, but I don't think it really is the case. It's the same "observation bias" that makes chemtrail believers suddenly notice contrails everywhere. Once you delve into the world of chemtrail believers, they seem to be numerous and vocal, but most people in the real world to...
  15. Trailblazer

    Chemtrail Believers' predictions of "years left" before disaster

    @Jay Reynolds - I'm sure if you combed his comments on older pages we could put that 2025 deadline way forward. He has been talking about imminent apocalypse for years!
  16. Trailblazer

    Dane Wigington - Inaccuracies and Omissions

    @Engineer - Dane has been told about this site and the realities of contrails numerous times. He knows the truth but has somehow convinced himself that all science is faked to cover up the conspiracy, and everyone who points out his mistakes is a "shill".
  17. Trailblazer

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    An early-morning fallstreak cloud that greeted me when I opened the curtains a few days ago:
  18. Trailblazer

    Explained: "Beam" in Video of Explosion In Iraq. [Rolling Shutter Artifact]

    Yes, I was wrong about the vapour cloud not appearing in this video: it is there but it has dissipated by the time the camera pans upwards and catches the fireball: [Video deleted]
  19. Trailblazer

    People Blaming Bad Weather on Side Effects of Technology Through History

    I found this in The Times archive from 1954. Presumably the fact that Dr Sutton needed to rule out condensation trails as a cause for bad weather means that people were theorising about them even then. For context, 1954 was a terrible summer in the UK, so people may have been looking for...