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  1. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    Met Police in "driving car with no MoT for nearly three months" shocker! (Or it was kept off road for that time. Honest!)
  2. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    Anyone can be an Anonymous member, for 88 pence (including delivery)...
  3. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    These claims make no sense anyway. Why would you tow an old police car into position, and be photographed doing so, when you could just drive one of the regular police cars there, avoiding all suspicion, and then torch it? If it was done for publicity then I am sure the Met could afford to write...
  4. Trailblazer

    How Satellites Survive the Temperature of the Thermosphere

    I think you are picturing a scenario where the waste spontaneously "burns up" once it is ejected into space? That's not what happens at all. Things only burn-up on re-entry, when they are falling extremely fast through the atmosphere. That's why space capsules,and the Shuttle etc, need...
  5. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    Can you explain what you mean by the car being "in bad shape". One bent wing mirror? Or by it being a "firetrap"? Does setting light to paper and plastic on the windscreen of a car make it a "firetrap"? I'm happily driving around in a 13-year-old car. Modern cars last quite a long time, you know.
  6. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    As for there being no other cars on the street, that is hardly surprising. The incident happened on a very narrow side street, with double yellow lines on both sides (no parking allowed).
  7. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    If a 10-registered car is only fit for the scrapheap then I'm in trouble. This is sat on my driveway :( And talking of cars in bad shape... what is the red circle supposed to be highlighting? Damage? In better images of the car you can see that the only damage, apart from the fire...
  8. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    So what? That is an assertion with no evidence. That witness doesn't explain how they ascertained that these particular people in masks, in the middle of thousands of other people in masks, were undercover police. How did they find out? What is their proof? Why should we believe those words on a...
  9. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    The whole point of the "Million Mask March" is that anyone can go. Anyone who puts on a stupid mask can call themselves "Anonymous". So trying to disclaim the actions by the minority of idiots who attend any big demonstration in order to cause trouble seems pretty disingenuous, not to say pointless.
  10. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Cop Car Towed to Media Location then Torched at Million Mask March - BX10 LNV

    What a cop out (no pun intended). Telling people to "do their own research" is basically saying "I have no evidence, take my word for it instead." I live in the UK, and work in London, and I can assure you that police cars five years old or more are a common sight. Do you really think that the...
  11. Trailblazer

    Augie Snyder's contrail/chemtrail questions

    Plenty of weather watchers make time lapse videos of the clouds, which also capture contrails. The planes don't "turn around" to make a grid, they are just different planes flying in different directions. They often follow similar paths in the sky, but the wind blows the trails so by the time...
  12. Trailblazer

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    As I suggested earlier I put together a panorama from that video: It was made a bit less accurate by the fact that the zoom level changes during the pan, but I think this is reasonably close. The red lines show the same point at left and right. The green line is an approximation of the sun...
  13. Trailblazer

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    To expand on what I mean. I am not near a PC to stitch these together, but you can see that the sun is in shot here. Note the tree just in shot to the right: That is the leftmost tree seen here: Now if you look a bit further right, note the rounded tree on the right above is next to a much...
  14. Trailblazer

    Red and Blue Side-by-Side Contrails, Midlands, UK

    It looks to me more like it is taking off, but it's hard to tell. The fact the gear is up suggests take off, too. Also, looking at where the sun is in the video, east doesn't look right. At that time of day the sun would be low in the west. Isn't the plane heading more northwest? There's so...
  15. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    I also got the "doesn't violate our standards" message. I replied asking exactly what would violate their standards. Meanwhile I know someone who has been banned for harassment for calling someone an "idiot". Facebook is a funny place :)
  16. Trailblazer

    Debunked: "Blue Marble" Photos show a Changing Earth

    There is also the Himawari-8 satellite, launched by the Japan Meteorological Agency last year, which is geostationary over the western Pacific (140.7ºE). It takes high-resolution images of the full Earth every 10 minutes, and you can see them in near real time here, in zoomable form...
  17. Trailblazer

    "An Unconventional Shade of Grey" - Michael J. Murphy new Film

    Well, in theory a plane could fly past the no-fly zone and the contrail could drift into the zone on the wind. But that is rather unlikely to say the least.
  18. Trailblazer

    Debunked: "Top climate scientist Tim Lenton admits to ongoing geoengineering"

    Thanks for the input, Chuck. Could you share how you fell into that way of thinking, and what got you out of it? I find former believers' experiences fascinating. (Mick may want to move it to a new thread, so as not to derail this one.)