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  1. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    Yes back in May the promotion for the presentation included "Member SCU" but was removed at some point. None of the presentation slides by Griffiths from yesterday included "SCU". Source: Source: screen grab of presentation slide...
  2. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    This appears to have been added by a moderator. I didn't write this.
  3. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    So how long were the identified objects actually? Is it the whole train or a part they are observing?
  4. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    Such a specific term for something unidentified. Griffiths' presentation mentioned smaller orbs and speculation about them emerging from or going into the larger "object". Firmly UFO lore i.e. Source: Otto Binder's Our Space Age, 1967 (printed in various newspapers these are from Patterson...
  5. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    It was just Richard Griffiths giving a presentation relaying information he'd received and describing how he interprets it - not the pilots themselves.
  6. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    It wasn't put forward as a possible explanation in the presentation. However, warp drives, "orbs picking up charge from the ionosphere" and undersea UFO bases were...
  7. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    If I remember correctly Richard said in the presentation today that the person taking the video knocked the phone into the window of the aircraft at that moment causing it to rotate and lose focus. (Some kind of Human Gimbal Limitation).
  8. Giddierone

    Solved: MUFON case #124190: 'Mothership' UAP Crosses the North Pacific [Starlink Stack]

    Source: [Note: The above is a video summary of this thread. Original first post follows] Notes on today's SCU presentation (the slides/photos are embargoed until 27 Aug 2023 so I'll not post them here): The object was described in the slide title as...
  9. Giddierone

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    I'm amazed none of the questioners asked about basic shapes or sizes of the craft or the morphology of the alien bodies (did they have two arms & legs, two eyes etc.) Surely even if Grusch hasn't seen these things directly he has this basic knowledge and could have characterised them without...
  10. Giddierone

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    This was a popular book about UFOs in Britain in the 1980s. It includes a guide on how to make your own fake UFO photo. [See photo #5] Source: Usborne The World of the Unknown: UFOs (1977). [ISBN: 9781474992152]
  11. Giddierone

    Silver Orbs reported over Berlin in WWII

    I'm reminded of this passage in John Keel's Operation Trojan Horse (1996) p.156 that attempts to link numerous cases of metal spheres in the sky to one phenomenon.
  12. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Well I was wrong...I took this well away from any roads.
  13. Giddierone

    Silver Orbs reported over Berlin in WWII

    Here they're described as "silver balloons" in London. (but not spherical & had a tail). Source: Daily Mirror, London, Oct 10, 1938 · Page 9 Then copied by Germany and deployed over Berlin in 1939. Although no shape/colour description is included. Source: Daily Mirror, London, Thu, Feb...
  14. Giddierone

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Source: [1:24]
  15. Giddierone

    The Alderney UFO sighting

    Since it was described by Bowyer as below the sun I wonder if he was observing some part of a subhorizon arc, parallel to the parhelic arc, given an "eliptical blur" shape by cloud / haze. The sighting took place when they were flying in an evelope of clear visibility between haze layer below...
  16. Giddierone

    The Alderney UFO sighting

    Yes, exactly, the sun was behind the trees for that 2 second video, so the labels above are correct. It was interesting because the sundogs were visible for a good couple of hours (the arcs we saw for about half an hour). Here's another shot where you can see more of the elements in the diagram...
  17. Giddierone

    The Alderney UFO sighting

    While driving today I saw what I think is a radius halo (going off the link Z.W provided above The effect was visible for a long time and there were faint traces of the sundog almost two hours later at sunset. Location: driving North towards Scotland, just...
  18. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    This plane (or one of the same kind, I couldn't see the tail number) has been flying in a circle over north west London all. day. long. No tracking data.
  19. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    These two photos are taken from the playground at Ariel school looking in the direction that the children reported their sighting, down and across the sports field. These are from at least 2016, however they appear to demonstrate that a reflective surface in the trees beyond the playground can...