Search results

  1. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    I came across this example of Optical Telegraphy which is relevant if only for historical context. (also to Searchlight "UAP" in Wisconsin"). Some science fiction writers of the time suggested the beams might be powerful enough to be detected by extraterrestrials. Since people are still making...
  2. Giddierone

    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    In an update it appears that getting an un-edited version of the drum scan image for analysis won't be occur, at least via UAP_CR (twitter handle). He seems to be saying that he signed an NDA with the studio that performed the drum scan. I'm assuming he means non-disclosure agreement here...
  3. Giddierone

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    If it was a hoax using models perhaps it was one inspired by the Tsar a fictional armoured metallic balloon / dirigible war machine. It's the same diamond shape (depending on angle of observation) and has props which roughly correspond to the positions along the midline of the blurry object in...
  4. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    This company/initiative Aerocene makes balloons - what they call Aerosolar sculptures - from old plastic bags and floats them around the world. Some of them look like black triangles. Extract from their website. They have an app for tracking them. Source:
  5. Giddierone

    Mysterious metal ball on Japanese Beach

    It’s a good question. Why this story, and why with such intensity of coverage? Most of the tabloids & cable news make some kind of weak tangential link to the recent balloon stories. It seems almost anything spherical might also have become a viral story in such proximity to the “China Spy...
  6. Giddierone

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    If there had been casualties as a result of the shoot downs what would the media spin look like? For example the "Battle of Los Angeles" 25 Feb 1942 killed 5 people and there's some very obviously adjusted photos around which claim an impenetrable UFO, rather than panic, justified firing some...
  7. Giddierone

    Solved: A Balloon-Like Entity near Sutter Buttes, CA is a Graduation Balloon

    Is it a college graduation balloon with someone's name on it?
  8. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    This news report (doesn't solve the sighting) but the photo is similar to what we saw. As mentioned the M6 has long sections without street lighting so observing laser shows and spotlights from great distances seems likely, in combination with typical low cloud weather of the region...
  9. Giddierone

    Searchlight "UAP" in Wisconsin - Flanders Family Christmas Lights

    This is all very similar to the lights I saw while driving recently (explained in this Metabunk thread). Unfortunately my videos didn't show anything. The source of what we saw was over 50km away and were quite similar in their behaviour (if less luminous and blue in colour) to the lights in the...
  10. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    Nice one! I saw this on YouTube. He describes it doing exactly what I saw twice a day for over a week now. Especially the part where he remarks how slowly it was flying. I saw it fly directly overhead and it looked like it was barely moving. Source:
  11. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    I managed to get a couple of shots (taken through binoculars with an iPhone). Not sure if this is the same plane but it's typical of the kind of aircraft I see regularly flying in a wide circle. Again they don't show on the trackers. Now i'm not even sure if it's a single prop or not...
  12. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    Yes. It was the Tower of London laser show, 10km from my position. The lights in Carlise we saw from over 30km away.
  13. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    Just adding this because this short video I just made was essentially the same effect in the sky that we saw. This is a laser show happening now somewhere in London. (Short film below). The one we saw was more confusing to look at because were driving towards along a dark stretch of motorway...
  14. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    No. We saw it again this morning on the school run. My son (sporting his bergundy anorak) said it was a Cessna. To my eye it was the same kind of plane I watched last night. They fly them at North London Flight school directly North of us, but on the trackers they only appear close to their...
  15. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    Thanks again. So the plane I saw doesn't appear here. These are the tracks for the time period it was overhead. I've annotated it (red circle) with what I think was the approximate loop it flew repeatedly. I watched with binoculars for a while. Given its position within the flight corridors to...
  16. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    Thanks. Does it allow you to scroll back or is it just live data?
  17. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    What appears to be the same single engine fixed wing plane described in #8 has been doing loops overhead for 30 mins from around 21:30pm, was slightly cloudy, now totally overcast. Doesn't appear on Flightradar 24 or the NATS Airspace Explorer app. Military? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    The BBC footage needed to be reshot because of some kind of light. Is this the same glare/reflection the kids saw and interpreted as an alien spaceship? Source: Cynthia Hind writing in p.38 The kids...
  19. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    Flight tracking being new to me, how common is it to see aircraft in controlled airspace over a city but not be able to see them on a tracker?
  20. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    I'm referring to the blue dot in the images above as the location of the plane I saw. The plane near Watford was just used as an example of the kind of plane I'd seen circling above my location, but which didn't show up on any tracker I could find. The FR24 app shows it.