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  1. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    If that's so can a small plane, like the one below, (which I think is flying just outside of the more controlled airspace North of me) turn their transponder off in such controlled airspace? Is OGN/FLARM the same device or is it independent to ADS-B? Meaning, can a plane fly with them both off...
  2. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    It was on Saturday around midday (clear cloudless sky) over the blue spot on the NATS map below, which I think is controlled airspace. It was really slow moving. Source: Guide to Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in the UK › VFR_Guide Source: NATS Airspace Exporer App on iOS.
  3. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    Yesterday there was a small single-prop aircraft doing a slow snaking pattern, like an aerial survey path, above us for a good hour but it didn't show on Flightradar24. Do you need a subscription to track small aircraft? Is there another tool that can be used?
  4. Giddierone

    Claim: Brazil "Night of the UFOs" and "Moment of Contact" film claims

    The James Fox film does not make this claim. The "hundreds on the ground" is editorial from the Sun article you link to The 1958 Barauna photos and the supposed 1986 "Night of the UFOs" are different events but get mentioned in a section of Fox's film called "A brief history" which, in typical...
  5. Giddierone

    Claim: Brazil "Night of the UFOs" and "Moment of Contact" film claims

    The photos were discussed here recently. #387 They're also here: Source:
  6. Giddierone

    Greenstreet "Black Triangle" 2003

    Perhaps he'll chip in with some more details at some point since he has an account here. I think it's a useful exercise to explore the what ifs about these cases so that people have a sense of just how many known things can produce this kind of sighting and not be ill-informed about what's...
  7. Giddierone

    Greenstreet "Black Triangle" 2003

    If it were parachutists wouldn't there be a record of the transponder details of the jump-plane used? He seems pretty sure it was a solid craft with a dark outline. We don't know the date or time to know if it was legally night time. (although he says "at night" above).
  8. Giddierone

    Greenstreet "Black Triangle" 2003

    Blue LEDs $1.99 Radioshack catalogue p.262 (2002) Source:
  9. Giddierone

    Greenstreet "Black Triangle" 2003

    More glider / Hang Glider / RC candidates. Horten Flying Wings - various designs inc manned glider versions. Source: also RC versions Source: Source: ) Utopia Hang...
  10. Giddierone

    Greenstreet "Black Triangle" 2003

    Described in the Basement Office Ep. 04 Source: Location: Provo, Utah, U.S. I don’t think he’s given the exact date or time or the estimated size of the object. He shows a photo of his position. It’s here: 40.26411752888172, -111.6611976002238 And an...
  11. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I know, they say "six photographic negatives of an alleged UFO" but are we to understand that the alleged UFO remains stationary across these images? (he says it's not in frame 1, frame 2 is the famous image we have, then it gets muddy as to what exactly is shown in frames 3-6) I'm not aware of...
  12. Giddierone

    Flight Tracking

    Does anyone know how to access historical flight data, say from as far back as the 1970s? Do vintage aircraft at contemporary airshows feature in flight tracking datasets?
  13. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Is Stu Little's anecdote the only evidence for this? Yes the UAP media article mentions "negatives" plural. But what evidence is there - other than Stu's interview - that they show aircraft? Stu says he's always been "in to UFOs" (#35 [6:00]) and would have been very aware of the fame of the...
  14. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Humm..I thought I'd read that but now can't find it's source...false memory? Edit: ah found it...
  15. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    1. Is it simply an unusual photo of two birds? Perhaps a grouse in flight and a smaller bird, something like a sparrow? Birds take all sorts of strange shapes during flight some of which look like airplanes or diamond shaped spacecraft. Why do I say this? There's no evidence the smaller...
  16. Giddierone

    Reverend Gill 26/27 June 1959 UFO / CE3 - a Brocken Spectre-type illusion?

    Slightly off topic but I think something similar could have occurred here with seeing humanoid figures Canary Islands 22 June 1976 "giants".
  17. Giddierone

    Reverend Gill 26/27 June 1959 UFO / CE3 - a Brocken Spectre-type illusion?

    The question is really about what known atmospheric phenomenon could explain the waving response to the observers? And be repeatable over many hours over two evenings. Perhaps a light source from the camp was enough to create an effect in the sky? Brocken Spectre created using car headlights...
  18. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I think that would be an out-of-place object in remote countryside. Unlikely to be taken there for that purpose - unless the photo is actually taken near a road. Most likely it would have to be taken there via quad bike or by foot. Old fences like that are typically constructed with...
  19. Giddierone

    Reverend Gill 26/27 June 1959 UFO / CE3 - a Brocken Spectre-type illusion?

    Here's the fuller description quoted in the Hynek book referenced in #1
  20. Giddierone

    Reverend Gill 26/27 June 1959 UFO / CE3 - a Brocken Spectre-type illusion?

    Was the Reverend Gill UFO / CE3 encounter some kind of Brocken Spectre-type illusion? Source: # Ref: Read the account in Hynek's The UFO Experience (1972). Available here...