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  1. Giddierone

    Alien abduction and hypnotic regression - clinical trial?

    You could look at: Recovering Memories of Trauma: A View From the Laboratory - McNally (2003) Susan Clancy refers to a study which includes MRI scans of people given memory tasks, in her book Abducted (2005) the study is Neural evidence that vivid imagining can lead to false remembering...
  2. Giddierone

    Garry Nolan's "encounter" story

    Ted Seth Jacobs who painted the Communion (1987) cover also illustrated an abductees account in Missing Time (1981) Budd Hopkins. That book also had an alien on the cover, although not nearly as arresting as the Communion one. The description of reading a number of accounts which echoed Nolan's...
  3. Giddierone

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    Indeed. It's becoming clear to me now why they named the file "watermarked-jpeg-2"...
  4. Giddierone

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    Using photoshop levels adjustment if you move the middle (midtone) slider to around 0.2 do you also see a circle on/around the "front" of the UFO? (Three frame .gif: original, midtone adjusted, circle annotation.)
  5. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    It was the Carlisle City of Lights. With many powerful blue lasors. A show finished at 9:40pm. That stretch of the M6 is typically very dark with few street lights, that combined with the low cloud must have been perfect conditions for a weird effect from quite a distance. There are a few other...
  6. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    We've tried adusiting the videos every which way and there's just no usable info in them. We both had a go at annotating a frame by hand. As you can see the tonality was very close to the black of the sky, but still distinct to the eye, just not visible on our phones. We took our first photo...
  7. Giddierone

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith

    “Wisps of light” over Penrith I think this is an interesting example of how difficult it can be to capture an unusual sight. Last night we were driving north on the M6 (UK). The weather was somewhat foggy, with low cloud, around 10-12 degrees. From around 21:30 both me and my front seat...