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  1. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    Just came across this project, started in 2013, that uses software to automate the process of finding faces on google maps. Source:
  2. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    A recently published, June 2024, paper by a Harvard Phd, Tim Lomas, with Michael Paul Masters, and Brendon Case, makes the claim that pareidolia [the misperception of random stimuli as real things or people] is a bias that hinders the objective study of what could be real anomalies. They refer...
  3. Giddierone

    Examples of lens reflections confused with UFOs in media photos.

    Fire in the sky. Source:
  4. Giddierone

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    There's this from 2020. Source:
  5. Giddierone

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    Sounds similar to what groups like UAPX are attempting to do. A complex trick shot set-up. IIRC aren't there attempts to make unusual things happen on camera/sensor, by using meditation (Greer) to summon UFOs or using certain frequency signals (Elizondo)?
  6. Giddierone

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    Yeah it's their choice of word. But, their playing card throwing is pretty ridiculous (unless it's camera trickery - but I WANT TO BELIEVE it's not). For example: Source: In their other videos (see above) they do a great...
  7. Giddierone

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    There are YouTube channels seemingly dedicated to bringing down the odds of rare things being caught on film. Like Tricksters: Source: who do precision playing card throws and other stuff. I think I saw some guy doing a similar thing...
  8. Giddierone

    Intelligence Estimates of Putin's Health

    The heart attack story was apparently bunk: but the other intelligence estimates in #1 seemed well intentioned but might have done more harm than good.
  9. Giddierone

    Intelligence Estimates of Putin's Health

    Like an analouge to the current UFO disclosure coverage.
  10. Giddierone

    Intelligence Estimates of Putin's Health

    The discussion isn't limited to US media.
  11. Giddierone

    Intelligence Estimates of Putin's Health

    I guess i'm wondering what function such speculation - from serious foreign policy experts no less - has for the general public, and whether it actually serves as a kind of propaganda all of it's own. I think speculation creates a possibly false impression that the recent aggression is the last...
  12. Giddierone

    Intelligence Estimates of Putin's Health

    What are we to make of the decades of speculation about Vladimir Putin's health as it relates to his actions and motivations? Are the intelligence estimates wrong or misleading? Since the beginning of the Ukraine invasion, there have been various claims made about Putin's health in major news...
  13. Giddierone

    CLAIM: 1950 McMinnville (OR) photo by the Trents is a 25' flying saucer

    The Bing car is a little better (I brightened the image) and the trees align quite well, as do the hills in the two original photos. I wonder if that's the same utility pole too.
  14. Giddierone

    CLAIM: 1950 McMinnville (OR) photo by the Trents is a 25' flying saucer

    Just correcting what I wrote in #80. The yellow pin labled "house" can't be the house in the photos. There was another building [labled "Barn A" below], possibly idential, that is now no longer there, which has to be building we see in the two photos. "Barn B" I think is out of the frame...
  15. Giddierone

    Geolocation Exercises

    Perfect! RIS is usually my first call but with this one I checked it with Overpass Turbo [Landuse=military / military=training_area] which, used with other terrain details, narrows it down quite quickly if you "fly" over the various sites you can line up all the features quickly.
  16. Giddierone

    Geolocation Exercises

    Where exactly was this taken today?
  17. Giddierone

    CLAIM: 1950 McMinnville (OR) photo by the Trents is a 25' flying saucer

    1955 aerial shot of the area from
  18. Giddierone

    CLAIM: 1950 McMinnville (OR) photo by the Trents is a 25' flying saucer

    Not sure how much use this is in answering the original question, but previous analysis seems to have the sightlines off a bit. The "house" left of centre in the UFO photo is almost directly north of the Trent's house, and is ~370m away. Maccabee seems to have them looking more to the NE. His...
  19. Giddierone

    CLAIM: 1950 McMinnville (OR) photo by the Trents is a 25' flying saucer

    Perhaps the wires we see have nothing to do with it. If they had thin thread like fishing line, then presumably they also had a fishing rod and perhaps standing on a ladder with that rod allowed the model to be suspended at the right height. Just a guess.
  20. Giddierone

    CLAIM: 1950 McMinnville (OR) photo by the Trents is a 25' flying saucer

    The illusion disappears if you adjust the darker frame to match the tanks on the left (as Anne mentioned). When adjusted (eyeballing it) they appear more or less on the same plane. Here I've roughly lined up the wires at the top of the frame, as best without distorting the image, it just makes...