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  1. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    There's a thread here:
  2. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Yes, and the description is misleading since it appears to refer to the UFO of the film title - but doesn't. I think this is a general problem of archiving where the keyworder doesn't have even basic tools available to caption images or verify the accuracy of descriptions provided to them. For...
  3. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    I think it's more to do with how the National Archives is keyworded. The report on the missile test includes the words "origin or identification could not be determined" and so someone (perhaps quite recently) has slapped a "Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Sighting" title on the record and a...
  4. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Oooh, what's that on that missle firing sub?
  5. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Not sure i'd have to email them. It might be older and only the comment is 3 months old. Yes that's my hunch. It seems mislabled. The report doesn't appear to align with what we see in the video and I can't find any historical UFO reports that coincide with it. (perhaps there are Guerilla...
  6. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Pretty high. Apogee 736 Nautical Miles. The question is what exactly in that video do they consider a UFO? Would love to know how the plane it's filmed from is oriented etc. And presumably this is the...
  7. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Yes I know. I was just pointing out the time from the document which I hadn't seen when I posted the thread. It's strange footage for day time. Edit: ah, the missle came down near Ascension Island so it would have been around 19:30 local time.
  8. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    If you don't want to engage with the questions i'm asking then maybe don't participate.
  9. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    It appears to have been a daytime test launced at 14:30 EST (from the PDF in the above post).
  10. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    I just noticed this additional info in the comments section. [bold added] ...and a link to this PDF: Screen grab from p.13 and 14.
  11. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Thanks. This is useful. It's just not clear why they label it a UFO. Their description doesn't seem precise enough to know what exactly they think the unknown object is and understanding it is made more difficult because there's no camera details availalbe either.
  12. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    Perhaps you can expound on this opinion.
  13. Giddierone

    Atlas F (Test 103) UFO Film (1962) NAID: 614788

    What might this 1962 video on the National Archives website show? The film is titled, Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Sighting and captioned: The film is 7m 30s and can be watched on the National Archives website. Source: SM-65F Atlas...
  14. Giddierone

    CLAIM: Proton bursts? Sofia, Bulgaria Feb 2024

    It was a different clip that was doing the rounds around the same time as this. It showed what looked like 50 or so blurry lights speeding across the sky and seemingly diappearing very quickly into the distance.
  15. Giddierone

    CLAIM: Proton bursts? Sofia, Bulgaria Feb 2024

    IIRC there's a very similar, (longer) video which looks like this and Ben Hanson's Christmas lights i.e. spotlights on low cloud but moving in one direction. Anyone remember it? Just trying to find it...
  16. Giddierone

    Why no *attempted* imagery of major UFO experiences?

    Instead of linking outside of Metabunk can you provide excerpts / screenshots of these cases / images? In answer to your main question there are many examples of *attempted* capture on film/photo, they're just always a bit too far away, or didnt' "come out right" etc. To name just two see...
  17. Giddierone

    UFO Photo: Project Blue Book #AF632255 (Parachutes?)

    So working with the assumption that the photo is either a double exposure or underexposed image of ceiling lights I thought looking for intieror shots of the kinds of buildings the photographer might have been in might provide an explanation. Here's a 1942 shot of a base in nearby Texas - not a...
  18. Giddierone

    UFO Photo: Project Blue Book #AF632255 (Parachutes?)

    So considering the whole thing is illuminated perhaps they are some kind of vintage "flycatcher" lamps shade which are made of glass. or a glass pendant light. It's just curious that the report appears to describe something very much like drifinng parachutes and describes the striations as...
  19. Giddierone

    UFO Photo: Project Blue Book #AF632255 (Parachutes?)

    The only face I can see is that of the Bifrost alien from The Outer Limits episode The Bellero Shield... Yes, I should have mentioned the ceiling lights hypothesis which others have mentioned elsewhere. Given the lack of any context for the image it could have been taken anywhere - not...
  20. Giddierone

    UFO Photo: Project Blue Book #AF632255 (Parachutes?)

    Can you annotate the image to show what you describe as the photographer's face?