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  1. Giddierone

    UFO Photo: Project Blue Book #AF632255 (Parachutes?)

    This 28 July 1954 UFO report from the National Archives has recently been updated to include a new version of a photograph of supposed anomolous flying objects. Source: It's noticable that the description of a 1.5-2min observation...
  2. Giddierone

    Invisibility cloaked jet?

    In fact it's clear that in this example the whole plane area has been rubberstamp photoshopped from one gate to another so that the airport is shown without planes in the gates. So these maps are clearly manipulated for various aesthetic reasons. (Yet they don't do this with all airports...
  3. Giddierone

    Invisibility cloaked jet?

    There are other ghost images/distortions in the same area /set of images. 32.4279696880623, -99.84711223996383 32.431480109629796, -99.85051776456241 and a couple of ghost passenger planes ready for boarding at London Heathrow 51.47149114186121, -0.4823949425777063
  4. Giddierone

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Team Gundam.
  5. Giddierone

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    There's also the Yandex image (2018) which looks similar to the video.
  6. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    I wrote quite a bit about this. Here: To summerize: The rocket was Identified the day after it was seen and there were media reports saying this on 15th and 16th, in the British press. Hind knew about this (and Leach should have since they...
  7. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    It appears to just be unimproved ground / scrub in the BBC footage. They appear to be standing in line withe the utility line, about 20m from the track running parallel (if it existed in 1994). I mention the powerlines becuase Hind says she heard...
  8. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    If only just one of the three film crews to visit Ariel in the past 5-10 years would try to recreate the children's viewpoint! The big rock in #41 appears to be on the hillside. The diagram that one adult witness drew shows the UFO down in the valley on the far side of the (now) sports field...
  9. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    Referring back to the disccussion of the rocks in #9 Claire, one of the witnesses says, as an adult, the UFO: Also... Quote and screen grab from Ariel Phenomenon (2022).
  10. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    This is how Leach opens his report at Ariel on 19 Sept '94. "This is a continuation of a possible UFO story". He was already connecting the rocket from 14 Sept with the story he'd heard that brought him to Ariel. Source:
  11. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    Leach's voice message to PEER at Harvard (Dr. Mack's group): Then his fax contains: Excerpts from The Believer, Blumenthal (2021) Knickers -> Twist.
  12. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    Hind was quite imprecise with her language. She even refers to the school as Arian School in one article IIRC. I think she means video. Screengrab of Leach & camera from the 2014 trailer to Nickerson's flim. (although not sure where these pictures were taken or if that is the camera he'd...
  13. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    It seems possible if not likely. I wrote about this here. To summerize: we just don't know what conversations Hind had with some of the children on the Saturday, whether she shared her knoweldge of other reports she's...
  14. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    You can read it here: Also, Dunning makes the claim that the kids had HBO. In his recent The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You to See (2023) beginning at...
  15. Giddierone

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    While we're waiting for more data... ♫ One, two, three, one, two, three, drink.♫
  16. Giddierone

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Yeah, I think the reason is the strong Sandy Hook / 911 vibes to it as it sails very close to denying the grief of the families (as mentioned above #939).
  17. Giddierone

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Well said. To add to that on social media I'm seeing vairous versions of "the plane is still missing, so the videos must be real". (face palm emoji).
  18. Giddierone

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    While people identify likely the exact VFX assets - the Jetstrike package for Adobe After Effects Circa 2014 - used to make the hoaxed drone video the hoax promoters still claim the videos are masks for real evidence of advance technology and the disappearance of MH370. Is there any other case...
  19. Giddierone

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Erdas Imagine geospatial mapping tool looks like a good candidate to create the background and moving coordinates. It's been around since well before 2014. It allows you to add raster images (or import stock photo such as the cloud image) and generates live coordinates in the bottom left of the...