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  1. Giddierone

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    Wrong. The lights seen in the sky on the 14 September 1994 were described as "green". Source: UFOAfrinews No.11 Feb, 1995
  2. Giddierone

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    I have no idea what claims you're talking about and the ISS didn't go into service until 1998...
  3. Giddierone

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    Yes, but there were reports of lights in the sky in addition to the landed craft. See The Herald, Zimbabwe 15, 17, Sept and 8 Oct 1994: Source - Slightly unrelated but the Telegraph in the...
  4. Giddierone

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    Why not? What in the post you linked shows that? Also see note about the aircraft involved. The sightings are not all daytime and not all on Fri 16 September. (see above). See the title of the thread is "lights seen in the sky". Not referring to a "landed" UFO. Not a reason as such but it's...
  5. Giddierone

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    What role, if any, might the STS-64 NASA Mission have had in the various reports of strange lights in the sky over Zimbabwe between 14 September and 16th September 1994? The NASA mission ran 9 Sept 1994 - 20 September 1994. During the mission it did ran three experiments that may have been...
  6. Giddierone

    Debunking Humor...

    It's not a butterfly it's a humbug.
  7. Giddierone

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    In the 2023 Netflix show Encounters one dissenting voice is provided by former student, Dallyn Vico. He introduces a new explanation for the glinting light described by other witnesses - a reflection off a rock. This isn't an unprecedented explanation for a UFO. There's the Cracoe UFO...
  8. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    It's a motif. Faces frequently disappear from the observers attention at close distance.
  9. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    This isn't being disputed here. A few drew figures with no face.
  10. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Apropos of nothing this is a 2017 a photo of an Ariel School gardener. Source: the School's Facebook page.
  11. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Cross it off what list? It doesn't matter that it's a fake marketing stunt. The point is that facelessness is deemed spooky, terrifying otherworldly etc, and is a cultural motif.
  12. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Yes, the sentence "A motif in some alien close encounter stories is that the figure/s seen have no face or facial features." is correct. Not only is it a repeated motif found in CE3 reports (I gave examples) but it's a well worn motif in Science Fiction / horror / folklore, and occasional...
  13. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Really interesting. My guess based on my own vision was about 60m (197ft) which I thought was terrible, so its reassuring to read that result!
  14. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Facelessness is featured in many cases such as those seen in the Broad Haven triangle stories featrue in the new Netflix show Encounters. However, I wanted to limit the question to those that are from broad daylight sightings in optimal conditions and two that came to mind were broad daylight...
  15. Giddierone

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    A motif in some alien close encounter stories is that the figure/s seen have no face or facial features. This was reported in daylight sightings such as Ariel School, Zim, '94 and Port Elizabeth, SA '78 where witnesses drew the shape of figures but with blank faces. Assuming good conditions...
  16. Giddierone

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    In the face of testing that shows the mummies are not aliens isn’t the last gasp claim of high-strangeness here that they are cobbled together cargo-cult-esque representations of otherworldly beings that resemble those allegedly encountered by numerous witnesses over time? So isn’t a question...
  17. Giddierone

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    That didn't take long...
  18. Giddierone

    Origin of iconic alien face?

    I recommend Martin Kottmeyer's article Varicose Brains, it's in three parts and too long to extract here but he takes a historical look at the origin of the alien Grey in literature and gives many examples.
  19. Giddierone

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    In addition I was wondering if the de/stabilised stuck pixel might be at play in accounts such as this from Jeremy McGowan. Source:
  20. Giddierone

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    I’ve not seen another example of a destabilised stuck pixel create a randomly moving image. Mine is certainly not the only damaged camera. People seem increasingly to want to film in low light conditions. It seems very likely we’ll see other examples of the capture of an apparently...