Search results

  1. Mendel

    Wyoming UFO

    As Wyoming state director for the Mutual UFO Network, Beckwith has taken and investigated hundreds of UFO reports over the years. After earning a degree in molecular biology, he went to law school and now is a practicing lawyer, including serving as the city attorney for Rock Springs. When he...
  2. Mendel

    Wyoming UFO

    It could also be a bonfire or a campfire. The fuel limits the width. An big open bonfire can appear wide. Or the lower part is obscured.
  3. Mendel

    Wyoming UFO

    Did he present an observation about the light, or an observation about the camera? Is the oscillation observable with the naked eye, at that distance, when not sped up 60×?
  4. Mendel

    Wyoming UFO

    yeah, I started googling for a bonfire in the area, but quickly gave up. At this point, a comparison picture with the same camera setup, and some maths as to the size of the orange light would be helpful, and then we'd know if it's a "the FD knows about it" kind of thing.
  5. Mendel

    Wyoming UFO

    So we got the "above" as mountains, and the wiggle as a sensor artifact (I know autofocus gets confused in mostly dark shots as well). Even if we don't know the light source, it's mundane now.
  6. Mendel

    Geolocation Exercises

    What? All you need to do is find this pond a good distance east of that mountain range, presumably the Rockies. ;) (My guess would be that it's near a road.)
  7. Mendel

    Geolocation Exercises

    Google Lens knew the city, too (though it thought the photo was taken in a park), but I couldn't work out where the view was. I also tried to identify the distinctive type of railway masts seen in the picture, but failed.
  8. Mendel

    Geolocation Exercises

    Yeah, I had deduced UK from the number plates and English-language signage.
  9. Mendel

    Geolocation Exercises

    I failed because I wasn't using nwr. This works: area[name~"Ireland"]->.boundary; nwr [name~"Halfords"](area.boundary); nwr(around:200) [name="Lidl"]; nwr(around:200) [bridge=yes]; nwr(around:200) [power=tower]; (._;>;); out;
  10. Mendel

    Geolocation Exercises

    That's what I'm doing, but no luck. There was a close contender in Wales, though. The white/red logo is for "Home Bargains".
  11. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    According to Grusch’s résumé, he had served since May 2023 as the Sol Foundation’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), an organization described on the document as “The premier center for research in the natural and social sciences, engineering, and the humanities” which “also extends activities to...
  12. Mendel

    Geolocation Exercises

    The Reichstag in the center gave it away for me, no web search required. @JFDee , I don't understand what sets this thread apart from similar existing games. If this is to be a social activity, then I propose that solutions should come in form of images with no identifying marks, such that a...
  13. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    This goes further off topic than I intended my short quip to go, so have a new thread:
  14. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    I suspect "NHI" is a ploy to get the Flat Earthers to buy in. ;)
  15. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    The report uses "extraterrestrials" once, and "aliens" several times, usually adopting the nomenclature of the claim being adressed. I'm not sure that adopting the terms of the disclosure propagandists is a good thing. It bestows a legitimacy that it doesn't deserve.
  16. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    But nobody knows what a ghost looks like! We all know what Hollywood thinks ghosts look like. (The same goes for UFOs—it's the reason genuine UFO experts don't exist.) What we think a unicorn looks like: What it actually looks like:
  17. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    I think the Blue Book files were classified back then, but are they implying there's a secret set of Blue Book files apart from the official, now declassified set? Compare: Access to BLUE BOOK textual records is by means of 94 rolls of 35mm microfilm (T-1206) in the National Archives Microfilm...
  18. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    ...after he failed to tell the President who had asked him to find it! To me, that's the point where his credibility went out the window.
  19. Mendel

    Are Many of the Navy UAPs Mylar Balloons?

    Yep. "Sky is black during daytime and air is thinner than a common vaccuum chamber" does it for me, and balloons can go that high.