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  1. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    Footnote editing is atrocious: I can only imagine how many revisions this report went through in the months it took to clear DOPSR. I know from my own writing that those late edits are most likely to have typos etc. in them.
  2. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    Why I think AARO's evidence is better than Grusch's: Kirkpatrick had the access that Grusch and the people who talked to Grusch did not.
  3. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    My guess (speculation, rather) (and probably wildly inaccurate) is that this is caused by AARO's lack of title 50 authorization. The report details that AARO entered into an agreement to gain access to all relevant CAPs which forces them to obscure all identifying information for the people...
  4. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    n It's frustrating that we can't look at the AARO case files that the report is referencing. In a non-classified setting, material like that would often be released as appendices.
  5. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    I think the reason is that the report was prepared on secure systems with no connection to the public Internet; that's how typos like "airandsapce" happen. The fact is that the resources being linked to do exist and are findable. I do not concur that they're questionable, but I'd be happy to...
  6. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    There's a motif I've been seeing in UFO supporters, that has really been driven home by the bit in the report about AATIP/Elizondo studying Project Blue Book reports. From the perspective of someone who believes that aliens have visited here, evidence of these visits must surely be among the...
  7. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    But we know where the evidence is! We're just not cleared to see it. I'm accepting what is in the document, and don't accept what is not. I can accept that AARO made a new analysis that is different from a previous analysis; which of the two is better or more accurate, I couldn't say. And I...
  8. Mendel

    AARO UAP Report 2023

    It was never over the continental USA undetected, it was downed after days, and it was no threat to aviation because it was at higher altitude than commercial traffic. The balloons were never about aliens. Which makes your post wildly off topic. (The balloon threads are somewhere else on Metabunk.)
  9. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1 is a thorough, well-referenced (albeit self-published) article on Project SIGN. It states the claim regarding the project name and references it to the book also given in footnote 3 of the AARO report. AARO report, p.14...
  10. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    The report makes no mention as to the methods used to characterize the material. We agree on this. But I don't complain that this evidence (that I want) was not included with the report, because I recognize the scope of the report and the consequences for including it. I do hope that AARO will...
  11. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    To review, we were more focused than that earlier: Stryer admits here that the report is testimony to the "experimental evidence". I would advise against broadening the scope of the discussion, away from specifics, because that'll just go in circles of generalities. P.S. There can be no...
  12. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    The report is really not intended for the public: the "real" version is the classified version. I think the report does a very good job of summing up the history, including the most recent claims. It had information (e.g. about KONA Blue or the BAASS propaganda proposal) that was new to me. I...
  13. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    I find it remarkable that people think AARO is lying without evidence. Pure dogma. Why "evidence of evidence"? I want the experimental evidence. Unfortunately, I often don't get what I want.
  14. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    Yes. I'm assuming that because the footnotes to the claim refer to the case file. I am reading that to indicate that that's where the supporting evidence is, as that is how footnotes are commonly used, and this report's other footnotes are no exception.
  15. Mendel

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    The Wikipedia article seems thorough; summary: There is no scientific evidence that live blood analysis is reliable or effective, and it has been described as a fraudulent means of convincing people that they are ill and should purchase dietary supplements. If you have questions about that...
  16. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    I don't follow that claim. In section IV, AARO usually goes with the findings of the report in question, except in cases where the report was authored by a lone believer and the government distanced itself from that person's report. The reports on Roswell are full of high quality evidence. These...
  17. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    "What would it take to convince you there are no UFOs?"
  18. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    I was referring to the fact that the DOPSR can't release anything on their own; I think they basically have to go to the unit where that information originated to get their consent? which I'm referring to as "owner" in quotation marks, because it's an inexact, layman's term, and I apologize for...
  19. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    The evidence is in the case files. I wrote, "Unlike David Grusch's testimony, this report is not rumors and hearsay, it's based on first-hand testimony and evidence. Its quality is well above much that the UFO community has to offer, even though it lacks the AARO case files that it references."...
  20. Mendel

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    my favorite bits AARO investigations may start with interviews, but they end with evidence. This clarifies that while there are hundreds of UAP sightings, they're typically sightings of completely different phenomena, which means the big number does not make for "weight of evidence". UFO...