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  1. Mendel

    Video of helicopter leaving "chemtrail"?

    please see and . This is off topic here in this thread.
  2. Mendel


    Depends on the orbit, though: for LEO, visibility isn't that much extended. If you had a circle at 400 km in your diagram, it'd be obvious.
  3. Mendel

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    or automated streak removal tools might be set not to remove those
  4. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    No. I am arguing that "pristine" is the wrong word, and that there was more than "car fires". I also suggest that a tree was severely damaged by the explosion and has been cut off and removed. By your standards, the Boston Marathon explosions were very small, yet they killed 3 and injured...
  5. Mendel


    What did that tell you?
  6. Mendel

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    Grusch has provided testimony. Has he provided evidence, and if so, of what? He certainly didn't at the hearing that this thread was set up to discuss.
  7. Mendel

    What's the best way to find an angle subtended in a video?

    If you can determine the FOV of the camera, that would give you the data necessary to compute the angle. However, that often depends on the level of zoom, and is most practical when you have access to the camera. As Ann noted, if the images can be processed to make celestial objects visible...
  8. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    Well... exploding cars are nasty. From this picture, realistically 300 or more people may have camped in the yard. Another picture showed cars with mattresses tied on top. If the yard was packed, it seemed inevitable that dozens of people died, and the photos I posted earlier seem to confirm...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: DNA evidence confirms existence of black panthers in the British countryside

    To drive this point home: both boxes are the same dimensions, and the black cat fits comfortably within. For the "leopard" to be twice as big as the cat, it'd have to be at least 3 times as far as the cat, and it doesn't look like it was. (Do we have a map earlier in the thread?) The point is...
  10. Mendel

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    it may not have been a solar ray Tonight, sit in a room with a window. Turn out the lights so you can see outside. Turn on a flashlight (your phone's will do) and point it at the window. The bright reflection from the flashlight will prevent you from seeing what's outside, at the point where...
  11. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    Al-Ahli hospital had already been bombed earlier this week, injuring four healthcare workers and causing severe damage to a cancer treatment ward.
  12. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket? That was before this explosion.
  13. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    Bellingcat was able to identify what appears to be the impact crater, after analysing footage and images of the aftermath. We believe this crater to be an important piece of information about the attack, what follows is preliminary analysis of the crater. The ground surrounding one side of the...
  14. Mendel

    1994 NASA STS-64 Mission & Lights Seen in the Sky Over Africa

    The ground track chart shows that the Lidar ground teack did not pass over Zimbabwe, so the aircraft wouldn't have passdd over it, either. The Ariel school is in the Eastern part of Zimbabwe.
  15. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    Yes. Ghassan Abu Sitta, a plastic surgeon working at al-Alhi, said the hospital was filled with internally displaced people seeking shelter from Israeli air strikes when he heard a loud explosion and the ceiling of his operating room collapsed. “The wounded started stumbling towards us,” he...
  16. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    The timing itself is not conclusive. If we're looking at "Palestinian shoots MANPAD at Israeli bombing plane", that could well coincide, and I assume anti-air rockets are meant to self-destruct when they miss? More evidence is needed. But nobody in Gaza is going to sift a pile of debris for...
  17. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    WHO confirms the hospital was under evacuation orders. WHO strongly condemns the attack on Al Ahli Arab Hospital in the north of the Gaza Strip. The hospital was operational, with patients, health and care givers, and internally displaced people sheltering there. Early reports indicate hundreds...
  18. Mendel

    Was the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza hit by an Israeli airstrike or PIJ rocket?

    On Wednesday, an Israeli military spokesperson told journalists that there was no structural damage to buildings around the Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital and no craters consistent with an air strike. The spokesperson accused Hamas of inflating the number of casualties from the explosion and said it...