Search results

  1. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    I don't think there was a third shot. Yes. (But see below.) So, we have one intact bullet, that dropped from Governor Connally's leg wound; and two fragments from the bullet that killed JFK. Clockwise from top left: the stretcher bullet (CE 399 FBI C1); a fragment of the bullet that fatally...
  2. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    Landis's story evolved, which supports the idea that his memory of the event is changing. Written statement, 1963, : Agent Hill helped Mrs. Kennedy out of the car, and I followed. Mrs. Kennedy's purse and hat...
  3. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Ukraine’s liberation of Klishchiivka and Andriivka south of Bakhmut may have degraded the Russian defense in the area south of Bakhmut and could have rendered combat ineffective as many as three Russian brigades according to Ukrainian military officials. Ukrainian Ground Forces Commander Colonel...
  4. Mendel

    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    The UAP Guide These two ASA staffers are 2/3 of the "volunteer team with a mission to raise public awareness about UAP to unlock funding for scientific research and political support for disclosure" that created , the third team member being Austin Alexander. The "UAP...
  5. Mendel

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    Hmmm, John Greenewald didn't include the request, so I'm not 100% sure if the DOPSR rejected some requests, but this seems to be everything they approved. The dates match those mentioned originally. It's now also clear that there aren't any huge revelations missing from the text @Mick West...
  6. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    I only looked at the NYT article (via the Irish Times), since that seems to be the primary source.
  7. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    • "Landis theorises that the bullet struck Kennedy in the back but for some reason was undercharged and did not penetrate deeply, therefore popping back out before the president’s body was removed from the limousine." if the bullet did not hit JFK, we have this: • bullet shot from rifle in...
  8. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    More detail: That’s when he said he noticed the intact bullet in the seam of the tufted dark leather cushioning. Investigators determined that the bullet, designated Commission Exhibit 399, was fired by the same C2766 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle found in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book...
  9. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    A rifle bullet that can enter JFK's body at the back, and then get lodged in the back of his seat, without a corresponding exit wound, is a magical bullet indeed. It has the advantage of fitting all of the facts, though.
  10. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    From the NYT article: he found it not in the hospital near Connally but in the presidential limousine lodged in the back of the seat behind where Kennedy was sitting. How did the bullet get lodged there if Kennedy was shot from the back? You can only find a bullet there if there was a second...
  11. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher impacted, then entered President Kennedy 2 inches (51 mm) to the right of his spine, creating a wound documented size of 4 millimeters by 7 millimeters in the rear of his upper back with a red-brown to black area of skin surrounding the wound...
  12. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    Oh, I was under the impression that "He's said his written statements were made under duress" referred to something Landis actually said. He can't have been so "distracted" that he remembered the cigarette lighter but forgot about the bullet, especially if "remembering picking up a bullet, and...
  13. Mendel

    Claim by Paul Landis: he found JFK assassination bullet in limo and placed it on stretcher

    Duress? duress Pressure, especially actual or threatened physical force, put on a person to act in a particular way. That's not believable, this claim requires evidence. How could Landis have been pressured regarding this bullet if he never told anyone about it? Was the physician performing...
  14. Mendel

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    Well, with the new mummies, there's also the issue of dismemberment. All I can say is, don't do it in Illinois: According to Illinois law, dismembering a human body is a serious criminal offense. Regardless of how long the individual had been deceased or the relationship of the perpetrator to...
  15. Mendel

    Investigating "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 WTC Catastrophe"

    I looked through the wikipedia page on kaolin, all of the processes to make kaolin chemically are way more complex than "just burn some stuff", and typically involve controlled hydrothermal conditions as well as specific precursor molecules.
  16. Mendel

    Investigating "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 WTC Catastrophe"

    @Kitcosby Which parts of @Oystein 's post, specifically, do you disagree with?
  17. Mendel

    Investigating "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 WTC Catastrophe"

    Not even your rocket fuel is explosive. And neither is thermite. They're designed for a controlled burn rate. And the binder is the part of the mixture that slows it down. Silicone and epoxy will not explode. Not really. We debunk evidence. You don't have any, you're speculating, and that's...
  18. Mendel

    Operation Paperclip etymology

    I apologize, I was inattentive.
  19. Mendel

    Operation Paperclip etymology

    You @Doctor Franger referenced a primary source that states OVERCAST and PAPERCLIP have the same meaning: Can't get more definitive than that.
  20. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    When you stabilize that shaky spacecraft footage and realize you shouldn't have... Source: