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  1. Mendel

    Claim: video shows 3 orbs near an aircraft over Madrid in October of 2013

    this is such a bad trope. 3 dots always make a triangle, unless they're in a straight line, and even you could say it's a triangle viewed side-on. Has there ever been a report of a triangular UFO formation with more than 3 dots? Actual triangle formation: Attribution:
  2. Mendel

    Jesse Michel's youtube documentary on David Grusch

    John Greenewald: Mr. Grusch states in his hypothetical, when asked about DOPSR, that a 3-letter agency will cite a "Security Classification Guide" (SCG) and it can be litigated after to fight any erroneous rejections/redactions. And then Mr. Grusch stated he would just "publish that" and the...
  3. Mendel

    Jesse Michel's youtube documentary on David Grusch

    Go to the post (click "Slixton said") to see the interview this is based on.
  4. Mendel

    Statement by AARO Head Sean Kirkpatrick on the HOC UAP Hearing

    Proof: Jonathan Grey is a generational officer of the United States Intelligence Community with a Top-Secret Clearance who currently works for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), where the analysis of UAP has been his focus.
  5. Mendel

    Jesse Michel's youtube documentary on David Grusch

    They showed the first page of it (or one version of it) on NewsNation, see : "CLEARED For Open Publication" I can't find the source right now, but ISTR the process was that Grusch submitted different...
  6. Mendel

    Debunked: Iron Microspheres in 9/11 WTC Dust as Evidence for Thermite

    I don't see any evidence for your claim, i.e. that this was used on the WTC. Unless your claim has nothing to do with the WTC? ??? Executive Order 11001—Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Signed by John F. Kennedy, in case you saw a...
  7. Mendel

    Jesse Michel's youtube documentary on David Grusch

    Couldn't they simply classify the DOPSR response if it was that sensitive?
  8. Mendel

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    this evidence is actually four years old, and nothing came of it? and then people wonder why we're skeptical about Grusch's evidence
  9. Mendel

    Debunked: Iron Microspheres in 9/11 WTC Dust as Evidence for Thermite

    the missing link is whatever data is in the Millette report. if @Kitcosby has reviewed it, they should post about it. and then there's the further problem of explaining how a thin coat of solid rocket fuel a) got installed, b) collapsed the buildings, c) coincidental with the aircraft attacks...
  10. Mendel

    What is this object from the ISS live feed in 2016?

    When I found the other 2016 UFO sighting, that guy had a trove of ISS live feed UFO videos on his channel, but not this one. I kinda wonder if this particular camera placement can even be dated to 2016, the clips I saw all look different (but I was going by the thumbnails, so...).
  11. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    • Grusch "medical records" leak • "UFO as big as a building" • 2015 exposé on a UK parliament pedo scandal for 60 Minutes • "verified as credible" instead of "verified as true" • Jim's ET ball with zero evidence of extraordinary powers • hasn't made Grusch's DPSR cleared statement(s) available...
  12. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    Skills: The KSJ Science EditingHandbook The insights, knowledge, tips and resources all editors need to meet the highest standards for quality of science journalism. Sources and Experts: Where to Find Them and How to Vet Them Vetting sources is a journalist's skill. P.S.: We keep our pool of...
  13. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    so, • not related to this discussion • not related to UFOs • not related to anything metabunk covers How is this related in any way to "this debate"? (And, "smoking is related to lung cancer" was never a "speculation" past the 1950s.)
  14. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    Please cite examples where • a skeptic espoused an opinion as fact and was later proven substantially wrong • a skeptic bolstered a factual statement by claiming unnamed sources that then never materialized
  15. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    How would you go about establishing whether Coulthart and his sources are credible?
  16. Mendel

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    Fair point. But I feel we can't generalize between different cameras and different algorithms. Normally, the range the algorithm has to work with depends on the resolution of the sensor vs. the resolution of the image. That's why I tried (and failed) to find that data for your camera. For...
  17. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    These controversies are on a completely different level from Coulthart's misreporting, and I'd bet Woodward wasn't even wrong in half of these if not more. Woodward: "Reagan [...] would only be able to “remain attentive only an hour or so a day.” Wikipedia: "initially, Reagan worked two hours a...
  18. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Source: (I find Mick's expression on the thumbnail funny, not the video itself.)
  19. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    I made a topic on that subforum, at , so we can find this later. It has most of the relevant posts from this thread quoted.
  20. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart

    Ross Coulthart is the Australian journalist who conducted the first TV interview with David Grusch in 2023. We've been discussing another claim of his at , and that's where the...