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  1. DaveG

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    My initial argument was to look at this from the perspective of humans studying a species in the wild. We take precautions to be as undisruptive as possible. The issue I had was with your assertion that it was impossible to scan for passive sensors. I can foresee that with a sufficiently...
  2. DaveG

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    You could also ask why the lights. I would say "specific to the observer" can also mean some instances of explicitly being overt too. You can quite easily see camera lens if you shine a light on them. I have to disagree here. An advanced civilization would be undetectable if it chose to be as...
  3. DaveG

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    So, I didn't mention crashing UFOs. And you're right, the "believer" community does think they crash often. I don't, and I've read enough to have serious doubts about any such crashes. I just hope you can listen to those of us in the UFO community who are a little more critically minded and...
  4. DaveG

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    But it's an argument skeptics themselves use and, as John J. commented, agrees with. It explains the observations and the lack of evidence. You may not like it, but it may not be as untenable or unfalsifiable as you're imagining. That's why I was careful to say the "majority of video evidence...
  5. DaveG

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    So when a research team studies animals in the wild, they take care not to disturb the group by being too noticeable. This might involve placing trail cameras, using night vision or thermal scopes, observing from a distance, or using tracking collars. Why wouldn't the same apply if a more...
  6. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Where have unicorns been reported on such a regular basis and caused concern for governments over such a long period of time? The history of UFO reports has always had around 1-2% that remain puzzling. In AARO's 800 cases currently being investigated, 2-5% "display signatures that could...
  7. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Sorry, but as it sidetracks from the threads topic of NASA hearings, I won't go into it and have it deleted.
  8. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Doesn't the same apply to military technology? Aren't defense contractors working on multispectral camouflage?
  9. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Have unidentified objects not been detected on radar? I get your point though.
  10. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Thanks. Well obviously. The point I was making earlier is that people are describing structured vehicles with unconventional flight characteristics, myself included. You can argue "how can you be sure it was a vehicle?" and "how can you be sure you didn't misidentify something prosaic? and the...
  11. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Noted for future.
  12. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Not at all. Satellite imagery, radar data, observatories set up for detection. I'm not advocating for what's presented as UFOs from the public, as it's almost always mundane.
  13. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Four members of The Condon Committee resigned or were fired for various reasons. These were: Dr. David R. Saunders, a statistician and one of the principal investigators of the project. He was fired by Condon in April 1968, allegedly for leaking an internal memo that revealed Condon's negative...
  14. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    So, when in the past has there been a systematic scientific study to detect these objects? Perhaps, but let's see what projects like The Galileo Project come up with. If NASA join the effort, all the better.
  15. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    True, but this was discussed at the hearing. What instruments does NASA already have that can be used to better suit the detection of these objects? What instruments needs to be built, and what partnerships need to be formed? Reduce the LIZ, reduce the misidentifieds.
  16. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    What makes you think it's not a stigma thing? What makes you think scientists don't face ridicule for expressing an interest, doing independent studies, or coming forwards with their own sightings? There's the whole association with the fringe elements of ufology, which has come to dominate the...
  17. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    So far, we've had 70 years with very little effort by the scientific community to do a proper investigation, which is why nothing's come out of it. If UFOs represent alien spacecraft, don't you think it's one of the most worthwhile scientific endeavours?
  18. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    That was my point: we need scientists to gather quality data. I was responding to Ravi's comment that NASA shouldn't spend the time, money, or resources.
  19. DaveG

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Why's it a waste of time, resources and money? Because you don't think any reports are of a truly anomalous nature and all explained be mundane objects? That's fair, I guess, for someone who hasn't seen anything. But after you sift through the noise of Starlinks, flares and balloons, there's a...