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  1. DaveG

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    I too thought the lightning storm was too far east, and the air traffic seemed a bit too congested as well. If the plane had taken off from Las Vegas, it would probably have been the 18th, right? I'll have another look at the ADSB replay for the 19th. By the way, I don't know how you keep your...
  2. DaveG

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Flarkey, nice work finding the windfarm! I put in the coordinates for Borger, Texas, into Stellarium based on the flight tracks but haven't yet managed to line up any satellites. I was hoping to pin down one particular satellite going from right to left that appears at 2:48 in the video. One...
  3. DaveG

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Yes, it is very difficult without the right location and exact time. I too was wondering about those lights in a grid pattern, if it is a wind farm, it would narrow down the locations. I also tried matching up satellites going in the opposite direction (right to left or top to bottom) without...
  4. DaveG

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    It would be nice to sync this video up with satellites.
  5. DaveG

    Solved: PVS-14 Night Vision Pilot's Footage of "Racetrack" Flares [Starlink]

    Another video was taken somewhere in the US; the person wants to remain anonymous, so the date and time are not given. The plane was said to be at 34,000 feet and filmed using a PVS-14 Gen 3 white phosphorus night vision scope through an iPhone. The constellation is in the direction of...
  6. DaveG

    Steven Greenstreet's Skinwalker Ranch Video Series

    Mick's interview with Fugal: Source: would be worthwhile to review here. As in it, Fugal shares the opinion of being open with the data. In contrast, it's interesting to see how what he said then, two years ago, appears now—being unwilling to share...
  7. DaveG

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Another video posted by pilot Gary Michael from LA to Boston on the 27th of Feb. Mentions observing a number of lights on the horizon for 15 minutes, other pilots reporting the same. Video of the lights is at 1:12 mark. Sun was well below 40 degrees in the predawn hours on approach to Boston...
  8. DaveG

    Stealth Bomber

    Cool video. Probably been mistaken for a UFO a few times, but I think if you're close enough to see this outline, you would undoubtedly hear it too. Which leads me to another question: Are there more advanced stealth aircraft/drones today that don't make so much noise, or any at all and fly...
  9. DaveG

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Hi, appreciate the work Metabunk does in solving a lot of UFO reports. That being said, I've had my own UFO sighting and would like to find some common ground solving this mystery.