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  1. jarlrmai

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Yeah something that Ryan Graves seem to be actively interfering with, ironically given the name of his organisation. This Starlink/commercial pilot thing is to me an actual semi serious real world issue that UFOology is actively making worse.
  2. jarlrmai

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    It's the just the closest thing that they are familiar with to what they think they are seeing.
  3. jarlrmai

    AARO Media Roundtable

    What's with with AARO and the seeming unwillingness to do characterisation, given NHI/aliens is part of the official wording, adopting a public position of either 'we identified the specific plane' and 'no idea' just leaves gaps for aliens.
  4. jarlrmai

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    A fun idea Mick takes his starlink app makes a mobile version that uses GPS location altitude and time as well as compass and orientation sensors to do an AR camera overlay of starlink flares in real-time.
  5. jarlrmai

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    Source: More Starlink? No date/time/direction given in the OP though, I have asked.
  6. jarlrmai

    What are these fast moving UFOs that drone pilots keep recording?

    Quadcopter drone are technically capable of getting to near airliner heights, but the regulations generally limit them to 120-150m (~400-~500ft),as%20high%20as%2033%2C000%20feet.
  7. jarlrmai

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    They should publicly release the DICOM files so others can look at them
  8. jarlrmai

    Mick West video showing Multiple News Sites

    It's the doomscrolling final boss.
  9. jarlrmai

    AARO UAP Report 2023

    Yeah but it's specifically in the context of sensor artifacts, (Presumably IR cameras if RI is a typo for IR, why do AARO always seem to have some small mistakes in the reports.) Glare, flare and bloom etc are all often used as synonyms.
  10. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    Looks like it's in a macroblock so more artifacts from edits/resizes etc. It's why seeing the original image is so key, it has the least artifacts from processing.
  11. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    Yeah they are already there, but the processing bring out more macroblock artifacts, you are just not meant to edit JPEGs
  12. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    The original JPEG has artifacts the repeated processing causes more rounding errors and recompression artifacts eventually the image "falls apart" JPEGs are not bitmaps or raw data,
  13. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    In landscape photography it's called "foreground interest" a compositional technique to help with scale and draw the viewer's eye through the scene naturally. Here it could be intentional or accidental.
  14. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    If in portrait mode the x any y are swapped in the metadata then the focus area was around here?
  15. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    Any chance you can experiment with a vertical photo?
  16. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    Looks like it was resized 3.15x down 2268/720 = 3.15 4032/1279 = 3.1524' etc
  17. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    People sometimes mistakenly call the original file from the camera a raw file even though it isn't. Take the uncropped (if any of them are uncropped) rescale to match iPhone resolution if needed then you have the place the photographer had their finger placed.
  18. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    People sometimes mistakenly call the original file from the camera a raw file even though it isn't.
  19. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    There is no "raw format file" as far as I can tell from the exif just a HEIC from the phone. I think the original image was just taken with the standard iPhone camera app. As far as I know this refers to the area the user touched on the screen to set the focus and on phones this usually also...
  20. jarlrmai

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    Phones are pretty much always hyperfocal at around 1 meter.