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  1. jarlrmai

    Turkish beach UFO 2023 - a curious high res photo Maybe?
  2. jarlrmai

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    You need to be a scientist familiar with the specific tests performed and the quality/age of the sample provided the results to have any chance of understanding what it actually means. My feeling is you can send off a sample to a lab and get a test and then you can get some results back and...
  3. jarlrmai

    Turkish beach UFO 2023 - a curious high res photo

    A helium balloon can blow in from miles away, does not have to be acquired locally, I have seen them fly by whilst hiking up in the hills. Phones have wider field of view than people, people are concentrating on other things out of the line of sight of the the balloon, there's no reason why...
  4. jarlrmai

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    The illusion of intelligent control comes from the pixel moving in relation to the movements created by the person controlling the camera. The specific algorithms that determine the amount and type of stabilisation used in an iPhone camera is likely to be proprietary Apple software that may...
  5. jarlrmai

    Jesse Michel's youtube documentary on David Grusch

    That's just the standard Youtube "surprised face" that every YT thumbnail apparently has to have to get clicks these days. here's potentially unintentional example: If you google "Youtube Surprised Face" you'll find all sorts of discussion of it, there's no authoritative source though...
  6. jarlrmai

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Could you further specify what you mean by believing Kirkpatrick over Grusch?
  7. jarlrmai

    On David Grusch's "whistleblowing" and other apparent (but not quite) nothing burgers

    There can probably be an argument made for many, many programs that they might cause a UAP to be reported or be related to UAP in some way. And if UAPTF needs to make the determination, then they need access to all programs to make that determination.
  8. jarlrmai

    On David Grusch's "whistleblowing" and other apparent (but not quite) nothing burgers

    Just because a program is not about alien spaceships doesn't mean it's not classified. It does lead to a chicken and egg problem though for a UAP investigation, let's say you are investigating a UAP report and the truth of it is that it was X secret project but you obviously don't know this...
  9. jarlrmai

    Wandering white dot on iPhone videos [Destabilized Stuck Pixel]

    Does this phone have one lens/sensor? Take a series of photos with the lens covered completely so they are black then post the full res images here.
  10. jarlrmai

    Go Fast - Claim that the Video Shows it Going Underwater

    It does, some people dispute this figure's accuracy (Chris Lehto was the 1st) etc despite TTSA themselves saying that's what is was (but apparently not having done the calculations based on it at all.) Also the "in the water" claimant could also claim the UFO is in the water at the start and...
  11. jarlrmai

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    "The camera clock showed 9:23 at the start of this clip" Where is this statement supported?
  12. jarlrmai

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    We'd need the original file from the camera to see what date and time it recorded.
  13. jarlrmai

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    A lot of UFO journalism often boils down to here's a story with some gaps and because *wink* you know I am a "UFO guy" that means the gaps are are obviously aliens to the readers who are inclined that way.
  14. jarlrmai

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    If you read the thread there are several screenshots showing the plane's transition around the time they recorded it. eg
  15. jarlrmai

    Go Fast - Claim that the Video Shows it Going Underwater

    The RADAR is not trying to get a lock, in Go Fast the WSO is attempting to use the ATFLIRs autotrack facility to get an "autotrack" which is where the system uses purely the image displayed to get an optical tracking lock based on the contrasting pixels on the screen. This is not normally done...
  16. jarlrmai

    Stars and Other Celestial Object in Sitrec

    Also is it at all possible to project lines from the star positions through the KML to get a potential ground location?
  17. jarlrmai

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    At around the time OP recorded the planes were transitioning from NE to E sand lightly South a min or so either side is a different between NE and E.
  18. jarlrmai

    Stars and Other Celestial Object in Sitrec

    Maybe it's the altitude data in the KMLs we export
  19. jarlrmai

    Stars and Other Celestial Object in Sitrec

    This will be so useful, are constellation markers and star labels at all possible?