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  1. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF

    The star positions in the image match the time and location given.
  2. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF

    Well the moon is all the way below the horizon on Stellarium (my time is UTC)
  3. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF

    So clearly this guy was intentionally shooting for this rocket launch and again the answer is in the original article.
  4. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF Put's slightly higher in the sky but in the same direction and space covered by the photo, so later/earlier depending on direction of travel, probably later/different stage of the rocket.
  5. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF

    A Boo and Alkaid as reference stars times in UTC
  6. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF This places the photo as looking due north at that time as far as I can tell
  7. jarlrmai

    Claim: Canberra UFO 14/7/23 Photo and Article - WTF

    It does look a lot like that however at the claimed date/time/location the moon was not up.
  8. jarlrmai

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    Given Raytheon made the ATFLIR they can tell us what's most likely going on GIMBAL, of course it's all probably classified.
  9. jarlrmai

    SOLVED: Video shows UFO speed through thunderstorm at ‘2,000mph’ [Reflection of Headlight]

    I drew lines from the same part of the headlight to the middle of the UFO for each fame.
  10. jarlrmai

    Dr Phil Metzger's Take on the Nimitz Incident (Post UAP Hearing)

    It's not just hot on IR it's glaring, this indicates it's a strong emitter of IR, like a jet engine. I think some work was done on speed by looking at angle changes on the tracking of the camera, but they only provide a range of speeds based on distance. You should probably read the original...
  11. jarlrmai

    Dr Phil Metzger's Take on the Nimitz Incident (Post UAP Hearing)

    It shows up as a glare in the IR portions of FLIR1 so probably not a balloon would be my assessment. I guess it would be handy if he could be directed here, it would be very interesting to see what he thinks.
  12. jarlrmai

    Dr Phil Metzger's Take on the Nimitz Incident (Post UAP Hearing)

    I would love to know if he has read these forums because that sounds very like possible scenarios we have discussed possibilities across various threads here. I seem to recall it being summarised in a thread but I can't find the exact post.
  13. jarlrmai

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    Do we think that if "alien visitors" are on the list of proposals, that humpback whales a bit out of place is higher or lower on the likeliness scale?
  14. jarlrmai

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    Hmm the mouth positions are different which is harder to fake. If photoshopped it's more likely the photographer took a high FPS sequence of one fox yawning and then cloned the same subject into the same image, and then it might initially not have been an attempt to deceive it's a technique used...
  15. jarlrmai

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    Presuming we are talking about speculative alien species/craft. Why risk your entire battlefleet being swallowed by a small dog.. On the one hand the anthropic bias might influence our creative works and our speculations on alien life, however ultimately the laws of physics are almost...
  16. jarlrmai

    Best recorded UFO sighting

    My feeling is alot about that case would be answered by seeing the physical artifacts from film to development.
  17. jarlrmai

    UFO Flap - The Big Picture

    There's a LARP element as well, I can't quite put my finger on it but when I read certain fora it feels like some people are just getting involved and posting because it's fun with odd characters weird twists and turns and unintentional humour, they don't necessarily believe, they are egging...
  18. jarlrmai

    UFO Flap - The Big Picture

    It needs an independent public inquiry that starts with Harry Reid and Bigelow and the formation of AATIP/AAWSAP and the connections to Skinwalker Ranch. I believe this has possibly happened in private, hence the dissolution of the program in 2012 and Taylor/Stratton/Elizondo and Grusch etc not...