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  1. jarlrmai

    What key data points are required to analyse a UFO sighting?

    A lot of what we do here is find out the missing data points that were not provided and often when we do that the answer presents itself.
  2. jarlrmai

    UFO video used by News Nation...Real or Fake?

    We've discussed these videos or similar CGI mockups before in this thread:
  3. jarlrmai

    Peings and von Rennenkampff: Reconstruction of Potential Flight Paths for the January 2015 “Gimbal” UAP

    In my opinion it's pointless arguing it. it doesn't matter what is said, they don't even need evidence I am not even sure why the Navy videos are even slightly relevant now, what is a few blurry videos now that Grusch has confirmed the US has several recovered craft and bodies etc and they...
  4. jarlrmai

    New UAP footage: Miami Air and Sea show

    It's a seagull or other white bird, you can see it's wings flap.
  5. jarlrmai

    Claim: Time-Travelling Humans are Causing Close Encounter Experiences

    The very act of going back in time changes something about the time, it's unclear what presence in other time means unless you affect it in some way. Physical presence in the universe has some impact no matter how small.
  6. jarlrmai

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Googling around generational officer means just that, following on from one of your parents in the same organisation as an officer. Usually I see it in police contexts but it would apply to the military as well.
  7. jarlrmai

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Uncritical softball interview This is basically Elizondo 2 except this time we're not bothering with any of that pesky evidence that Mick West just debunks anyway. They realised it doesn't actually matter, the stories are enough to play to the intended audience.
  8. jarlrmai

    UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

    I wish there were a searchable version it's getting quite complex.
  9. jarlrmai

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    Feel free to contribute to the threads on those specific subjects.
  10. jarlrmai

    Skinwalker orb on security cam?

    Generally video cameras that are ran all day are low quality compressed video with low shutter speed frames that exacerbate any motion blur. Motion detection triggers can be set to pre-record then save and record if some motion triggers them. If you setup a video camera looking at some...
  11. jarlrmai

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Spacecraft can refer to recovered Russian/Chinese satellites/rockets. You can essentially describe a completely normal secret program of recovery and examination of other countries technology, aircraft, spacecraft (satellites/rockets) leave the details on that sparse by using some fun UFO...
  12. jarlrmai

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Yeah I should clarify it's the video you see all the time, so it's in the context of AARO analysing videos.
  13. jarlrmai

    Near miss UAP & commercial aircraft - Western Australia (2014)

    Which sighting are we discussing? Are we crossing the streams a little? A balloon could be mostly one colour with small areas / flaps / patches of another, or some of the paint can come off leaving reflective sections.
  14. jarlrmai

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    It's almost all or nothing, you go "Metabunk but NASA" on all the claims or else you just leave enough gaps for more speculation around what you didn't say. As it is this NASA thing is basically just more credence to the "there's something going on otherwise why would NASA being looking at it"...
  15. jarlrmai

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    "US Gov pays NASA to reverse engineer its own ATFLIR system its paid Raytheon to keep secret"
  16. jarlrmai

    NASA holds first public meeting on UFO study

    Not able to watch it could anyone who knows where post where I might be able to watch a recording?
  17. jarlrmai

    Satellites as Bright as Planets?

    Stellarium with the Satellites plugin can show you historical satellite positions if you have the tracking data for the Satellites (NLE) Note there are military satellites which might not be in NLEs @flarkey will have better info on satellite tracking You might have seen flaring Starlinks, an...
  18. jarlrmai

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    Here's my video stabilised on the square, with a grid overlaid and a 50% opacity screenshot from the start matched with the stabilised footage to show the position delta, again 4k watch full screen etc.
  19. jarlrmai

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    Mick's movement demo looks about the same but he is zoomed in more on the area where the lights show and this the spaces might look a bit bigger but proporitally they are the same.