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  1. jarlrmai

    Ryan Graves Op Ed on UAP

    Interesting I thought he was in both, there is certainly a tangled mess of pseudo science grifters out there.
  2. jarlrmai

    Ryan Graves Op Ed on UAP

    Graves has long claimed that they saw "these things" on the regular, I'm pretty sure these repeated events is where the "cube in a sphere" UAP description comes from. Some people put trust in what Graves says, but if people are/were seeing these things regular then where's the evidence...
  3. jarlrmai

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    That and shooting it down would likely destroy it, letting it fly and tracking it might lead to it more gently coming to earth where it can be examined. Not to mention any possible sigint that is going on based on if it is transmitting/receiving radio.
  4. jarlrmai

    Retired F-18 Pilot Reports 5 UAPs Pacing His Aircraft Over Channel Islands 8-18-22

    They can't just say outright 'this is aliens', because that is a positive claim that requires evidence, instead the framing is such that they try to ensure that it seems like all other explanations are impossible.
  5. jarlrmai

    Solved: A Balloon-Like Entity near Sutter Buttes, CA is a Graduation Balloon

    Seems to me the gold arm and the tag are not visible because it's rotated on to it's 'back' so they are obscured by the body of the balloon. Probably gonna have to buy one and take a photo of it angled the same way to really nail it home, like that guy who bought the batman balloon.
  6. jarlrmai

    Mosul "Sphere"

    Video would show if this is the case for sure, depending going tracking going on.
  7. jarlrmai

    UFOs and skepticism

    This kind of 'solution' without falsifiable math is really no different from saying magic.
  8. jarlrmai

    UFOs and skepticism

    The twin 'paradox' is not a causality violation effect it's a demonstration of the time dilation effects of special relativity. it's not even an actual paradox (logical contradiction) its a real effect predicted by special relativity that is taken account for in GPS systems. A causality effect...
  9. jarlrmai

    UFOs and skepticism

    Physical objects are just a whole lot of information. The main reason FTL seems to be fundamentally impossible is it breaks causality by enabling time travel. When you do the maths on these things you end up with...
  10. jarlrmai

    QAnon and Yoga Making Strange Connections

    Its a big spectrum depending on the instructor, you'll get a lot of Yoga classes that are purely stretching and breathing and quiet time, then you'll get some that have more woo and so on, sometimes the instructor won't mention any woo apart from outside the class, it's very dependent, often the...
  11. jarlrmai

    Cedar Park Lights in the Sky with Strange Reflection [Police Drone]

    Drones are our kryptonite, no ADS-B so no easy correlation possible.
  12. jarlrmai

    QAnon and Yoga Making Strange Connections

    Yoga is a potential path to non critical thinking, in some Yoga there is a significant ammount of adjacent woo alongside the real health benefits of stretching and mindfulness that are the main known parts of Yoga. It also has communities that naturally link to all sorts of alternative therapies...
  13. jarlrmai

    How to see deployed Starlink "Racetrack" flares

    There's a lot of foreground lights in the night shot, the webcam may not be picking them up, removing them as noise etc.
  14. jarlrmai

    Go Fast - Balloon theory

    It's not settled at all, we have a whole thread on it.
  15. jarlrmai

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    The most important factor for seeing the flares seems to be your position relative to the sun.
  16. jarlrmai

    Go Fast - Balloon theory

    If we accept that the range shown on the screen comes from a RADAR track then the object must present a decent RADAR target, if a balloon then possibly either a large Mylar one or one carrying a radar reflector.
  17. jarlrmai

    Can White Swans exist?
  18. jarlrmai

    Can White Swans exist?

    I think you are trolling us, but you also have to have a far enough and large object for the curve of the earth to have a noticeable/measurable effect. So once you are in the territory of practical demonstrations using objects on the Earths surface to demonstrate the curve you are well into the...
  19. jarlrmai

    Need debunking: Bike lanes are dangerous

    There has long been a perception of institutional bias against cyclists and cycling in the mainstream media, law enforcement and criminal justice systems and this seems to be backed by some meta-analysis There is also a lot of good investigation of incidents to detect bias in a law enforcement...
  20. jarlrmai

    Why "Racetrack" UFOs are mostly Starlink Flares

    This is all good work, but let's wait until Chris Lehto turns up in the thread before we can be sure of anything.