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  1. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Maybe someone with a p900 type camera @Mick West ;) can zoom in and out on a balloon then we can stabilise that and see what we see. Bonus points if there are some clouds..
  2. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I'm pretty convinced something odd is going on the stabilised footage does look suspect, the way the movement seems to be in one 45 degree line? Can you swap between the 2 frames where it does the big diagonal slide?
  3. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    My contention is if you stabilise a video using an edge feature then the edge distortion when stabilised might affect the middle. Maybe incorrect.
  4. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Could we be seeing lens distortion change due to a telescopic optical zoom lens being used (i.e. not just a digital crop zoom like a phone) something like Nikon P900 etc. Or possibly even a optical to digital zoom change, some cameras do this they optically zoom so far then switch to digital...
  5. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    If it is then it's pretty well done CGI that also has some odd decisions Not a cliché shape i.e. not a saucer or a triangle etc. The glinting sunlight off the shiny part is pretty realistic, hard to do well and seems like something that you could avoid doing if you had a source background video...
  6. jarlrmai

    Pentagon Releases 1500 pages of UFO documents, including other paranormal stuff.

    Just incase someone else raises it, it's "GIMBAL" not "GIMBEL"
  7. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Yeah id'd Song Thrush from the MP3 of the videos you posted, if it were a song thrush in the UFO video it would likely know it as well. Known Song Thrush video: UFO video: So I think I am going with birdnet until an expert human says otherwise. Most likely there's been replaced...
  8. jarlrmai

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    We've likely done all we can, there will never really be a 'real' UFO vid where there's' no source file, chain of custody, corroboration etc etc This vid could very easily be faked, shows some signs of being so, has no custody, no original file so. We can't solve every case. So they will get...
  9. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I am in Europe (UK) and it says Carolina Wren for me The API is here not sure if it takes into account location, I know the app on the phone does from GPS etc.
  10. jarlrmai

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    You can upload an mp3 here, I am in the UK and still get Carolina Wren.
  11. jarlrmai

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    I extracted the audio only and gives a very strong match for Carolina Wren
  12. jarlrmai

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    If the bird is clear enough, this app could help.
  13. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Any time anyone uses those tools it make me sigh, the algorithms are totally unsuitable for forensic analysis. Assuming competence is always a risk.. You'd still have to upscale then add the logo at 1080p. The centre logo is possibly an attempt to avoid others cropping but still show the...
  14. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Possibly a custom one, I posted kytoons a few pages back as an option. That's part of the reason for the many posts of weird stuff in the sky to demonstrate the variety of manmade things there are, even if we don't find an exact match.
  15. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I still feel the zooms in and out and the portions of sky visible the frame largely rule out a very small object close by.
  16. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    They are American (cousins with the surname Blake) from what I understand, they would use a variety of made up sources for hoaxes, they would also do both full on hoaxes and misrepresentation of videos (made up source stories/selective edits/relabelling/intentionally low resolution) etc. There...
  17. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    TPOM are from Hawaii as I recall.
  18. jarlrmai

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    When the hot UFO video was the tic-tacs out at sea video, that was eventually shown to have been a TPOM video. There was a lot of good information about them and previous hoaxes where it was said they were from Hawaii. If this is TPOM then it might seem there is a current trend of trying to...
  19. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I'm not convinced there is a visible string, the video is so low quality and significantly macro blocked I don't see it, it should be visible in the closest framing, but I just don't see it.
  20. jarlrmai

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Just the way the camera zooms in and shakes makes me think it's not a small object close up. But it's impossible to be sure, it just doesn't look small and close.