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  1. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Nice work, my green dot was based on the photos (specifically 5/6) which show the window frame a bit more than the video we know the jet was level during the video because they handily show us the artificial horizon
  2. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    "Appeared to shine a same color Orange light at the top of the clouds that was just bigger than object itself. (See still pic)" The map posted by @flarkey indicate the platform was in fog/low cloud, I wonder if there's enough historical weather data to show a fog that would have been low enough...
  3. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Yeah that one, shame the data is not there, that would be a nice addition to the gas platform theory.
  4. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    So that essentially removes the "maybe it wasn't flaring at the time" excuse as for why it wasn't visible, but there also just happened to be an orange UFO hovering over the same spot that it would have been at. That's a great resource btw might be worth adding to the tools list, I wonder if it...
  5. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    I had a look at OP's history, seems to be an alt account, the name of the account and the posting history points towards a UFO 'believer' so we are getting push back on the Oil Platform theory. However this is one of those, "well if its not that then where is it" scenarios. OP ruled out rigs...
  6. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    OP says it started at 06:07Z at 06:05z the plane seems to make a manoeuvre to bring its flight path closer to the gas platforms. The stated timeline coincides exactly with when they would have been flying past Hibernia
  7. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Hibernia platform location from here, via wikipedia
  8. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    I mapped the gas platforms I think they are the best bet so far, right direction and close by
  9. jarlrmai

    Reddit video - 27MAR22 Airline crew UAP sighting

    Source: Another UFO from a Reddit thread, notable because we have times/locations/flight numbers etc, the video and pictures are a bit spread out in the thread, video attached and link to gallery...
  10. jarlrmai

    Help indentifying Silver Ball

    They often partially deflate and achieve neutral buoyancy and drift horizontally. this one floated overhead while I was up in the moors in the UK.
  11. jarlrmai

    Help indentifying Silver Ball

    No reason it's not a balloon that I can see, often when people are a little inclined to believe in more 'out there' conclusions they often immediately say its not a "thing" where "thing" is indeed what it most likely is. I often see things like that when I am out and about, luckily I have my...
  12. jarlrmai

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    Maybe I should setup a Just Giving to get interested people to buy the F18 pack for DCS. However I feel if the DCS sim was a slam dunk against Mick or Edward's receding straight line steady speed model then Alpha Check would be all over that in a video. I'm happy to put the time into learning...
  13. jarlrmai

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    Be interested in how you maths adjustments for earth curve are implemented and whether you'll also use a refraction equation, I assume you have a lot of this work in the flat earth simulator code.
  14. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Louisville

    Mostly though it comes back to the original point made by Mick, that judging the size of things in relatively featureless oceans is highly prone to error.
  15. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Louisville

    We'd also need to know the sizes of submarines used by the Navy, if they are all larger than 747s, or the most common ones are then he's made an assumption error, that 747s are larger than Navy subs, if most subs are smaller then maybe he was right that it was bigger than most subs, but...
  16. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Okay I remember that now, so the question is then is it mathematically possible for the ATFLIR/computer to calculate a range (even as an 'estimate' as suggested by Lehto) and given the data we have, can we "recreate" that estimate? Micks diagram as above fixes range (r1) to the value in the...
  17. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Louisville

    When a sub is surfacing/surfaced not all of it is above water, generally you'd see just the main "deck" This is generally from the air a black region, often surrounded by white water if moving or just surfacing, which be much brighter and more noticeable. The rear fin would be less...
  18. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    So given the numbers in the Go Fast video from the ATFLIR could Mick for instance, change his simulation to present the Go Fast scenario. Add in extracted numbers for the jet height/speed etc, then add in a "calculated RNG and V/C" from our best attempt at the equations? This might not be as...
  19. jarlrmai

    New Documentary with...New Footage?

    Similar made up composite imagery with a familiar face overlaid.
  20. jarlrmai

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    I was looking at DCS again, @MclachlanM did some simulations of gimbal with this to show turn circle and ATFLIR angle could match a receding jet. DCS it appears also now has options to to setup things like cloud height. Whether these show up on the ATFLIR simulation or not I don't know, but you...